
On TB every waking moment
the International Criminal Court in The Hague will, for these reasons alone, remain unfulfilled. Note in any case that Russia, like the United States, has not signed the treaty establishing the court, thereby securing for its citizens immunity from prosecution. Like Kissinger and Bush Jr., and others in the US, Putin will therefore remain at large until the end of his days, whatever that end will be like.

So no more talk of war crimes here...


On TB every waking moment
So no more talk of war crimes here...

Recall that trials were held in Europe outside of the Nuremberg court set up by the Soviets and the Western Allies and people were both tried, convicted and hung by them.

It all depends at the end of the day who can get custody of whom with what evidence and charge accordingly.

Recall that the Russians have regularly stated that captured Ukrainians and foreigners are being taken to Russia for trial.

Ordinary Girl

Veteran Member
Because I don’t want my children to suffer on this earth. 2 of my kids are autistic and would not fully comprehend life the way it would be in a hot war. I’ve done all I can to shield them, too much some say. I can’t shield them from a war and that frightens me. They witnessed their biological father murder their stepfather when they were 6. It took almost 10 years for the nightmares to stop. This would be worse.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
There has always been this concept of "continuity of government". Upon reflection the concept appears to have been originated by those in positions of power who believe they can ride out a nuclear attack in a deep underground bunker.

Some years ago, I realized this to be false security because those in power don't actually do anything where the rubber meets the road. Politicians do not actually load cases of ammo onto flatbed trailers. They rely on millions of men and women that actually work. If the leadership does not have their loyal minions to carry out their commands, then it is unlikely they will ever be able to leave their bunkers.

Think about it. Do you want the government whose expertise in diplomacy and the military arts resulted in your country being nuked? Why would you want them to "continuity"?

COG is only viable when adequate warning is given. A sub launched decapitation strike here would give 5 minutes or less warning-totally useless to warn and act upon it.

Which is why it's my belief our government, in at least some agencies has already been dispersed from the DC area. I won't give a timeline and I will no longer post anything in the BS (thanks to a hostile debunker a few months back-my reporting ran counter to the MSM so it wasn't true. Bite me.)

But if you're local open your eyes. Parts of our .gov pulled a Dick Cheney the week after this Ukraine soiree started.

All is not what it seems.

Ordinary Girl

Veteran Member
Not trying to freak you out, but you really should have a bugout plan. A place to go that is relatively safe, within driving distance, automobile prepped with bugout stuff. And you should be armed and ready to use.
I was actually building a bug out place and then cancer hit with all its bills. I’m stuck where I am unfortunately. I am armed to the teeth though.
COG is only viable when adequate warning is given. A sub launched decapitation strike here would give 5 minutes or less warning-totally useless to warn and act upon it.

Which is why it's my belief our government, in at least some agencies has already been dispersed from the DC area. I won't give a timeline and I will no longer post anything in the BS (thanks to a hostile debunker a few months back-my reporting ran counter to the MSM so it wasn't true. Bite me.)

But if you're local open your eyes. Parts of our .gov pulled a Dick Cheney the week after this Ukraine soiree started.

All is not what it seems.
I've heard credible reports that DC is a ghost town and has been for months.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
As long as Kissinger is first to swing ...

May come as a shock, but most people are afraid of death. I can’t count the number of times I should have died, and did, twice on a ER table. Death is a companion, whispering that you’re still alive, and you need to fight him- until you can’t. Live every day, every hour, as if it were your last. As Jim Morrison said, “Nobody get’s out alive.” True then, and perhaps, always. I’ll admit it, there may be some that won’t go into that long dark night. Hope their lives are never boring.
I was actually building a bug out place and then cancer hit with all its bills. I’m stuck where I am unfortunately. I am armed to the teeth though.

Dear Lady, do you have any close friends that you can go in with? Maybe your physical strength isn’t what it once was, but you do have knowledge, wisdom, experiences to draw upon, and so much more. Your very presence would enhance the potential for survival. As Churchill said, ”never give-up, never give-up, never, ever, give-up…” When Death does come, go out shootin’, screaming, gouging, scratching, and fighting every step of the way. Even should you not be able to move, spit in his eye, and curse him with all you’re worth. Such folks that do, are welcome in Asgard, where fighters and warriors, men and women, are honored…



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Germany toss nukes first???

The first to throw tactical nukes if their front looks to collapse. There is no reason even with the fruit loops WEF running the show to have the west pull the trigger.

The ploy and the constant cr@p by dying media is meant to antagonize Putin to throw first.

Yes, Germany. They still have dual key agreements with US/NATO. They are the largest economy in Europe, and they're not the Russian's favorite people these days. They killed NordStream 2 and it's finished-Russia outlayed a truckload of money to get it built, and they really need the revenues from that now empty oil pipeline.

If Poland had a dual key agreement with the US; the second Russia started west the Polish would throw every nuke available at them.

Yes, Germany would be first. They are the largest.strongest economy in Europe and have the most to lose from Russian moves west.
Oh boy am I prepped lol. I’ve learned a lot from the amazing people here and can’t thank you all enough for your willingness To educate.
Forgive me if this is a "no brainer captain obvious", but the one big mistake a lot of urban/ suburban preppers make is not having the means to cook their shtf food supply when the power goes out. For those folk, you can't beat a rocket stove.


On TB every waking moment
Yes, Germany. They still have dual key agreements with US/NATO. They are the largest economy in Europe, and they're not the Russian's favorite people these days. They killed NordStream 2 and it's finished-Russia outlayed a truckload of money to get it built, and they really need the revenues from that now empty oil pipeline.

If Poland had a dual key agreement with the US; the second Russia started west the Polish would throw every nuke available at them.

Yes, Germany would be first. They are the largest.strongest economy in Europe and have the most to lose from Russian moves west.

It's the main reason the Germans bought the F-35, because it is "nuclear certified".


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I was actually building a bug out place and then cancer hit with all its bills. I’m stuck where I am unfortunately. I am armed to the teeth though.

Try and find a local church with a deep basement. (During the OCDA shelter assessment in the early 60's, many churches were designated as fallout shelters). They aren't stocked anymore so you'd need to bring your own supplies but you can stay alive.


Veteran Member
It's the main reason the Germans bought the F-35, because it is "nuclear certified".

Good thing for the US and it's allies, that the F-35 is such a reliable platform and is worth the increased cost. :rolleyes:

F-35 Program Stagnated in 2021 but DOD Testing Office Hiding Full Extent of Problem

MARCH 09, 2022

"The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program appears to be in a state of suspended development, with little progress made in 2021 toward improving its lackluster performance. The latest report by the Pentagon’s Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) reveals stagnation and even backsliding in some fleet reliability measures.

And that’s just the public DOT&E report.

In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35’s poor performance. For the first time ever, the testing office created a non-public “controlled unclassified information” version of its report, and although there is much overlap between the two versions, the meaningful details about the ever-troubled program are only included in the non-public one.

One thing to note about so-called controlled unclassified information: It is not classified. The label is a tool that some in the federal government misuse to conceal information that could be embarrassing to them, but because the information does not damage national security, they can’t hide it under a classification label. The Project On Government Oversight obtained a copy of the non-public report, and what it clearly shows is that the F-35 program has made few fixes to many of the reliability and performance problems that have prevented the aircraft from meeting the needs of the services. This is information the public must have in order to pressure policymakers to correct the problems that, if uncorrected, could harm U.S. service members and the U.S. national defense mission.

Despite more than 20 years and approximately $62.5 billion spent so far on research and development alone, program officials still haven’t been able to deliver an aircraft that can fly as often as needed or to demonstrate its ability to perform in combat, which places military personnel in jeopardy. Most of the important details can only be found in the non-public version of the report, but some key findings are available in the public version:

  • The F-35’s availability rates “plateaued” over most of 2021 and then declined in the final months of the year.
  • Program leaders abandoned the efforts to complete the troubled Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) and instead decided to build a new network called Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN). The new system, meant to anticipate maintenance problems and track parts and repair processes, runs faster and is more deployable than ALIS but is already behind schedule and has some of the same cyber vulnerabilities.
  • The Joint Simulation Environment, meant to be a high-fidelity and fully validated and verified simulator to test the F-35’s high-end capabilities, is now more than four years behind schedule. A full-production decision can’t be made until the planned 64 tests in the simulation can be completed.
  • The F-35 program’s modernization effort, an effort to complete the delivery of capabilities that should have been included under the original development contract, is behind schedule and has done little to reduce the high number of unresolved design flaws.
The Department of Defense awarded Lockheed Martin with the coveted Joint Strike Fighter development contract on October 26, 2001. The high expectations for an affordable futuristic fighter jet quickly crashed against reality. Despite the fact that development costs have more than doubled and delays have set the F-35 back by nearly a decade, the program has yet to deliver a fully developed aircraft."


Veteran Member
I read the victory parade starts at 9 or 10am Moscow time. This is 11 or 12pm Pacific.

Already seeing rumors of general mobilization. Stay alert my friends.


On TB every waking moment
History is your friend. Liars are not. Even if they work for the New York Times.

October 13, 2021
The Duranty Pulitzer Revocation Campaign of 2021

By Oksana Piaseckyj, Guest blogger

Why this Campaign? Why Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize?
Duranty was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for a series of thirteen articles that ran in the New York Times in 1931 about the Soviet Union’s economic plans. The articles can be accessed on our Duranty Pulitzer Revocation website page ( Duranty praised Joseph Stalin’s 5 year Plan. He continued in future writings to applaud the regime and deny that people were starving. Because of his prestigious prize, he could mute the writings of those journalists who told the truth, calling it “anti-Soviet propaganda”.

Why does this matter in 2021? Duranty’s famine denial helped the Soviet Union cover up its orchestrated genocide of its own citizens. No one – from the Soviet leadership ranks to actual perpetrators who killed with bullets or confiscated any edible substance from ravished farmers – was ever brought to account for this inhumanity to man. Stripping Duranty of his Pulitzer Prize would be the right thing to do. This act would show the world that a tiny measure of symbolic justice has prevailed for the victims of the Holodomor.

Did he deserve to win the Pulitzer? No. the New York Times knew that Duranty’s dispatches in the early 1930s were filled with Soviet disinformation and his contemporaries knew he was a liar: See Malcolm Muggeridge’s interview in 1983. Gareth Jones and other journalists attempted to write the truth about mass starvation, but they were ridiculed by Walter Duranty, who after receiving the Pulitzer award was considered the authority on Soviet news.

Previous Attempts – Some History
On the 70th anniversary of Holodomor in 2003 a major effort of the Ukrainian diaspora initiated by the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association with the support of the US Holodomor Committee and other organizations around the world sought to awaken the Pulitzer Board to its egregious mistake of awarding Walter Duranty a Pulitzer Prize without merit: 45,000 postcards were mailed, articles were written in support. To ignore this widespread outrage was out of the question, so the New York Times hired Columbia University professor, Dr. Mark Von Hagen, to analyze Duranty’s prize winning articles, and give his opinion in the matter. Prof. Von Hagen concluded that Duranty’s reports were “some of the worst journalism ever published”, not worthy of the prestigious prize. The Pulitzer Committee, however, refused to rescind. Avoiding passing judgement on whether Duranty’s writing lived up to the Pulitzer award’s standards for excellence, they concluded with “there was no clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception.”

We disagree – We call it “deliberate deception” and have “the smoking gun” to prove it. The undeniable evidence is in Duranty’s own words in the “Kliefoth Memorandum”. In June 1931, Duranty admitted to the American diplomat A.W. Kliefoth at the American Embassy in Germany that “in agreement with the New York Times and the Soviet authorities” his official dispatches would always reflect the official opinion of the Soviet regime and not his own. Walter Duranty admitted that he wrote what would please Joseph Stalin. Awarding the Pulitzer to a man who suppressed the truth, negates journalism’s first obligation which is “to the truth.” See the “Kliefoth memorandum,” of 1931.

For further information on the 2003 revocation campaign please refer to: Not Worthy: Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize and the New York Times.

On the 85th anniversary of Holodomor, the US Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor Genocide Awareness (USUHGA), under the leadership of Michael Sawkiw, Jr. formed a subcommittee to develop a campaign aimed at revoking Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize. Oksana Piaseckyj was designated chair with committee members, Maria Flynn and Zina Gutmanis. In 2018 a letter was sent to the Pulitzer Committee Administrator Dana Canedy asking her for a personal meeting with USUHGA. The request was ignored with no response. Telephone calls led only to her assistant, who spoke on her behalf, and said that there was no need for a meeting since the Pulitzer Board stands by its 2003 decision.

In 2019 with the arrival release of the movie “Mr. Jones”, our committee was excited by the amazing opportunity this provided to push further our revocation campaign. At theatres openings throughout the US we would get publicity and have the opportunity to parade with leaflets in front of the venues. And then the pandemic hit and the movie was relegated to home TV screens. Our opportunity for publicity was minimized; but then mostly positive reviews came out discussing the infamous Walter Duranty Pulitzer Prize. The word was out there!

The Duranty campaign continued with Maria Flynn contacting journalists and giving them suggestions in how they could best help us. Oksana Kulynych, member of the USUHGA helped with our pursuit of journalists by writing to schools of journalism, asking them to study and write about ethics in journalism with Walter Duranty’s reporting during the Holodomor as the example of “fake news”. Oksana Piaseckyj was interviewed on the Montreal Canada radio station “Ukrainian Time” to inform the Canadian Ukrainian public about our petition drive.

Our Campaign in 2021 -22 : During Genocide Awareness month in April 2021, we initiated a petition on to solicit signatures supporting our efforts to revoke Duranty’s prize. The link is: Sign the Petition. Our goal is to reach an impressive number of signatures to send to the Pulitzer Board. This drive will continue until we reach this goal.

A video on the Walter Duranty Pulitzer Revocation campaign and our call for Petition support will be available for promotion in November. We continue creating awareness by reaching out to all our Ukrainian organizations asking them to highlight our Petition. The cooperation of Ukrainian youth organizations are is crucial to our endeavors. We will be asking them to utilize our video on mass media. A webinar with the Gareth Jones expert Ray Gamache is planned for October 21 at 7 pm. The link will be forthcoming. Other projects are in the works and will be posted in the near future. For more information please go to and follow us on our FB page: duranty pulitzer revocation campaign .

Ordinary Girl

Veteran Member
May come as a shock, but most people are afraid of death. I can’t count the number of times I should have died, and did, twice on a ER table. Death is a companion, whispering that you’re still alive, and you need to fight him- until you can’t. Live every day, every hour, as if it were your last. As Jim Morrison said, “Nobody get’s out alive.” True then, and perhaps, always. I’ll admit it, there may be some that won’t go into that long dark night. Hope their lives are never boring.

Dear Lady, do you have any close friends that you can go in with? Maybe your physical strength isn’t what it once was, but you do have knowledge, wisdom, experiences to draw upon, and so much more. Your very presence would enhance the potential for survival. As Churchill said, ”never give-up, never give-up, never, ever, give-up…” When Death does come, go out shootin’, screaming, gouging, scratching, and fighting every step of the way. Even should you not be able to move, spit in his eye, and curse him with all you’re worth. Such folks that do, are welcome in Asgard, where fighters and warriors, men and women, are honored…

Old Archer, all my friends are in Miami which is where I’m from originally. I have a few friends here but they are in the same spot I am. Good news is, thou I live in MD and close to dc as the crow flies, I’m in the country and to myself. We live on a plot of 40 acres but it’s in the center of a several hundred acre preserve. Nobody comes out here without an invite.

I am physically quite week but I’m stubborn as all heck and manage well on my own with some assistance from a family friend that stops by to help every month or so.


passin' thru
Why Russia risks losing Syria to Iran

In the event of intensified fighting in Syria, Assad will likely turn to Iran rather than Russia for support.

Saturday 07/05/2022

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (R) receives Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Damascus, March 23, 2022. (AFP)

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad (R) receives Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Damascus, March 23, 2022. (AFP)

Russia’s military debacle in Ukraine will have serious consequences for Moscow’s geopolitical position. Unable to defeat one of the poorest countries in Europe, the Kremlin will now have a hard time preserving its traditional allies in the Russian sphere of influence.

This is especially true in Syria, which has been under Moscow’s strategic umbrella since the Soviet era. For instance, Turkey’s recent decision to close its airspace to Russian aircraft transiting to Syria,viewed as applying pressure on Moscow over its war in Ukraine, will affect Russian military capabilities in Syria, where more than 63,000 Russian troops have deployed.
Turkey’s own military adventures in Syria will further complicate Russia’s role there. Ankara recently launched a spate of strikes on Kurdish-run parts of the country’s northeast and although they do not pose an immediate threat to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the attacks could alter Russia’s support for the Syrian leader. As Russia expert Alexey Malashenko explains, if Syria’s civil war reignites, Moscow would have no choice but to withdraw Russian troops from the Middle Eastern country, as the Kremlin cannot wage two large-scale conflicts at the same time.

The Kremlin’s weak reaction to Turkey’s decision to close its airspace to Russian planes is another sign that Russian policymakers are aware that when it comes to Syria, Ankara has the upper hand. Perhaps this explains why Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the paramilitary Wagner Group who is closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, recently praised Turkish actions against the Kurds in Iraq and Syria by saying that Ankara, engaged in its own “holy war,” has “every moral right to fight Kurdish militants.”

Such rhetoric will not help the Kremlin appease Ankara, but Putin may recognise the futility of trying. Even though Turkey has not formally joined anti-Russian sanctions over Ukraine, it continues to supply weapons to the Ukrainian government and its recent actions suggest that Ankara could soon launch a large-scale military campaign of its own in Syria.
Russian officials are aware of such a possibility. Semyon Bagdasarov, a Middle East expert and a member of the Russian parliament, said on April 24 that Turkey’s ban on Russian flights to Syria could be part of Ankara’s efforts to resolve the situation in northern Syria in its favour, at Russia’s expense. “We should never forget that Turkey is a member of NATO,” said Bagdasarov, explaining why Turkish leaders had yet again stabbed Russia in the back (a sentiment that dates back years).

Hypothetically, Russia could respond to Ankara’s actions in Syria by banning the imports of Turkish tomatoes, or by temporarily closing the TurkStream pipeline for “maintenance.” But given Moscow’s weak geopolitical position and the fact that its economy already suffers from Western sanctions, it is unlikely that the Kremlin will do anything further to jeopardise relations with Ankara.
For Russia, the flight ban means that it will have difficulty supplying troops in Khmeimim and Tartus. It is entirely possible that Turkey, pressured by the United States, made such a decision to prevent Russia from relocating parts of its air force from Khmeimim to Ukraine. Previously, on February 28, Ankara restricted passage of Russian warships through the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits unless they were returning to their bases in the Black Sea. In other words, unless Turkish-backed rebels launch a large-scale offensive in Syria, Russia’s assistance to Assad’s Syrian Arab Army will be limited. Even then, the Ukraine war has significantly diminished Russia’s response capacity.

That is why, in the event of intensified fighting in Syria, Assad will likely turn to Iran rather than Russia for support. According to some reports, Iranian forces have already deployed to parts of Syria previously controlled by Russian troops.
Iran is also stepping up to address fuel shortages in Syria, which are impacting basic services and leading to an increase in food prices. Before Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow was actively supplying petrol to Syria. But Putin’s Ukrainian adventure has disrupted supply chains and now, according to Russian sources, Iran has become the main supplier of petrol and other fuels to the Assad regime.
None of this has changed Syria’s political allegiance and for now at least, Damascus remains loyal to Moscow. As Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad put it recently: Syria “supports the Russian Federation in its opposition to the West’s policy based on lies and double standards.” Syria also praised Russia’s decision to recognise the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic in Ukraine’s Donbas region (although Damascus has not officially recognised the self-proclaimed entities).

Assad seems to be pursuing a foreign policy that has been used for years by another Russian ally, Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko. But while Lukashenko has been balancing between Russia and the West, Assad will, for the foreseeable future, balance Syria’s ties between Moscow and Tehran. Yet in the long-term, the war in Ukraine will diminish Russia’s influence in Syria and in the process, open the door for Iran to replace Russia as Assad’s main backer.

Written By Nikola Mikovic

Nikola Mikovic is a political analyst in Serbia. His work focuses mostly on the foreign policies of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, with special attention on energy and “pipeline politics.”



Veteran Member
Escobar: Megalopolis x Russia - Total War
SUNDAY, MAY 08, 2022 - 08:00 PM

Authored by Pepe Escobar,

After careful evaluation, the Kremlin is rearranging the geopolitical chessboard to end the unipolar hegemony of the “indispensable nation”.
"But it’s our fate / To have no place to rest, / As suffering mortals / Blindly fall and vanish / From one hour / To the next, / Like water falling / From cliff to cliff, downward / For years to uncertainty."
- Holderlin, Hyperion’s Fate Song
Operation Z is the first salvo of a titanic struggle: three decades after the fall of the USSR, and 77 years after the end of WWII, after careful evaluation, the Kremlin is rearranging the geopolitical chessboard to end the unipolar hegemony of the “indispensable nation”. No wonder the Empire of Lies has gone completely berserk, obsessed in completely expelling Russia from the West-centric system.

The U.S. and its NATO puppies cannot possibly come to grips with their perplexity when faced with a staggering loss: no more entitlement allowing exclusive geopolitical use of force to perpetuate “our values”. No more Full Spectrum Dominance.

The micro-picture is also clear. The U.S. Deep State is milking to Kingdom Come its planned Ukraine gambit to cloak a strategic attack on Russia. The “secret” was to force Moscow into an intra-Slav war in Ukraine to break Nord Stream 2 – and thus German reliance on Russian natural resources. That ends – at least for the foreseeable future – the prospect of a Bismarckian Russo-German connection that would ultimately cause the U.S. to lose control of the Eurasian landmass from the English Channel to the Pacific to an emerging China-Russia-Germany pact.

The American strategic gambit, so far, has worked wonders. But the battle is far from over. Psycho neo-con/neoliberalcon silos inside the Deep State consider Russia such a serious threat to the “rules-based international order” that they are ready to risk if not incur a “limited” nuclear war out of their gambit. What’s at stake is nothing less than the loss of Ruling the World by the Anglo-Saxons.

Mastering the Five Seas

Russia, based on purchasing power parity (PPP), is the 6th economy in the world, right behind Germany and ahead of both the UK and France. Its “hard” economy is similar to the U.S. Steel production may be about the same, but intellectual capacity is vastly superior. Russia has roughly the same number of engineers as the U.S., but they are much better educated.

The Mossad attributes Israel’s economic miracle in creating an equivalent of Silicon Valley to a base of a million Russian immigrants. This Israeli Silicon Valley happens to be a key asset of the American MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex), as indelibly named by Ray McGovern.

NATOstan media hysterically barking that Russia’s GDP is the size of Texas is nonsense. PPP is what really counts; that and Russia’s superior engineers is why their hypersonic weapons are at least two or three generations ahead of the U.S. Just ask the indispensable Andrei Martyanov.

The Empire of Lies has no defensive missiles worthy of the name, and no equivalents to Mr. Zircon and Mr. Sarmat. The NATOstan sphere simply cannot win a war, any war against Russia for this reason alone.

The deafening NATOstan “narrative” that Ukraine is defeating Russia does not even qualify as an innocuous joke (compare it with Russia’s “Reach Out and Touch Someone” strategy). The corrupt system of SBU fanatics intermingled with UkroNazi factions is kaput. The Pentagon knows it. The CIA cannot possibly admit it. What the Empire of Lies has sort of won, so far, is a media “victory” for the UkroNazis, not a military victory.

Gen Aleksandr Dvornikov, of Syria fame, has a clear mandate: to conquer the whole of Donbass, totally free up Crimea and prepare the advance towards Odessa and Transnistria while reducing a rump Ukraine to the status of failed state without any access to the sea.

The Sea of Azov – linked to the Caspian by the Don-Volga canal – is already a Russian lake. And the Black Sea is next, the key connection between the Heartland and the Mediterranean. The Five Seas system – Black, Azov, Caspian, Baltic, White – enshrines Russia as a de facto continental naval power. Who needs warm waters?

Moving “at the speed of war”

The pain dial, from now on, will go up non-stop. Reality – as in facts on the ground – will soon become apparent even to the NATOstan-wide LugenPresse.

The woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, expects Operation Z to last years. That’s nonsense. The Russian Armed Forces may afford to be quite methodical and take all the time needed to properly demilitarize Ukraine. The collective West for its part is pressed for time – because the blowback from the real economy is already on and bound to become vicious.

Defense Minister Shoigu has made it quite clear: any NATO vehicles bringing weapons to Kiev will be destroyed as “legitimate military targets”.

A report by the scientific service of the Bundestag established that training of Ukrainian soldiers on German soil may amount, under international law, to participation in war. And that gets even trickier when coupled with NATO weapons deliveries: “Only if, in addition to the supply of weapons, the instruction of the conflict party or training in such weapons were also an issue would one leave the secure area of non-warfare.”

Now at least it’s irretrievably clear how the Empire of Lies “moves at the speed of war” – as described in public by weapons peddler turned Pentagon head, Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin. In Pentagonese, that was explained by the proverbial “official” as “a combination of a call center, a watch floor, meeting rooms. They execute a battle rhythm to support decision-makers.”

The Pentagonese “battle rhythm” offered to a supposedly “credible, resilient and combat-capable Ukraine military” is fed by a EUCom system that essentially moves weapons orders from Pentagon warehouses in the U.S. to branches of the Empire of Bases in Europe and then to the NATO eastern front in Poland, where they are trucked across Ukraine just in time to be duly incinerated by Russian precision strikes: the wealth of options include supersonic P-800 Onyx missiles, two types of Iskander, and Mr. Khinzal launched from Mig-31Ks.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stressed Moscow is perfectly aware the U.S., NATO and UK are transferring not only weapons but also loads of intel. In parallel, the collective West turns everything upside down 24/7 shaping a new environment totally geared against Russia, not caring for even a semblance of partnership in any area. The collective West does not even consider the possibility of dialogue with Russia.

Hence talking to Putin is “a waste of time” unless a “Russian defeat” in Ukraine (echoing strident Kiev P.R.) would make him “more realistic”. For all his faults, Le Petit Roi Macron/McKinsey has been an exception, on the phone with Putin earlier this week.

The neo-Orwellian Hitlerization of Putin reduces him, even among the so-called Euro-intelligentzia, to the status of dictator of a nation chloroformed into its 19th century nationalism. Forget about any semblance of historical/political/cultural analysis. Putin is a late Augustus, dressing up his Imperium as a Republic.

At best the Europeans preach and pray – chihuahuas yapping to His Master’s Voice – for a hybrid strategy of “containment and engagement” to be unleashed by the U.S., clumsily parroting the scribblings of denizens of that intellectual no-fly zone, Think Tankland.

Yet in fact the Europeans would rather “isolate” Russia – as in 12% of the world’s population “isolating” 88% (of course: their Westoxified “vision” completely ignores the Global South). “Help” to Russia will only come when sanctions are effective (as in never: blowback will be the norm) or – the ultimate wet dream – there’s regime change in Moscow.

The Fall

UkroNazi P.R. agent Ursula von der Lugen presented the sixth sanction package of the Europoodle (Dis)Union.
Top of the bill is to exclude three more Russian banks from SWIFT, including Sberbank. Seven banks are already excluded. This will enforce Russia’s “total isolation”. It’s idle to comment on something that only fools the LugenPresse.

Then there’s the “progressive” embargo on oil imports. No more crude imported to the EU in six months and no more refined products before the end of 2022. As it stands, the IEA shows that 45% of Russia’s oil exports go to the EU (with 22% to China and 10% to the U.S.). His Master’s Voice continues and will continue to import Russian oil.

And of course 58 “personal” sanctions also show up, targeting very dangerous characters such as Patriarch Kirill of the Orthodox Church, and the wife, son and daughter of Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov.

This stunning display of stupidity will have to be approved by all EU members. Internal revolt is guaranteed, especially from Hungary, even as so many remain willing to commit energy suicide and mess up with the lives of their citizens big time to defend a neo-Nazi regime.

Alastair Crooke called my attention to a startling, original interpretation of what’s goin’ on, offered in Russian by a Serbian analyst, Prof. Slobodan Vladusic. His main thesis, in a nutshell: “Megalopolis hates Russia because it is not Megalopolis – it has not entered the sphere of anti-humanism and that is why it remains a civilization alternative. Hence Russophobia.”

Vladusic contends that the intra-Slav war in Ukraine is “a great catastrophe for Orthodox civilization” – mirroring my recent first attempt to open a serious debate on a Clash of Christianities.

Yet the major schism is not on religion but culture: “The key difference between the former West and today’s Megalopolis is that Megalopolis programmatically renounces the humanistic heritage of the West.”

So now “it is possible to erase not only the musical canon, but also the entire European humanistic heritage: the entire literature, fine arts, philosophy” because of a “trivialization of knowledge”. What’s left is an empty space, actually a cultural black hole, “filled by promoting terms such as ‘posthumanism’ and ‘transhumanism’.”

And here Vladusic gets to the heart of the matter: Russia fiercely opposes the Great Reset concocted by the “hackable”, self-described “elites” of Megalopolis.

Sergey Glazyev, now coordinating the draft of a new financial/monetary system by the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) in partnership with the Chinese, adapts Vladusic to the facts on the ground (here in Russian, here in an imperfect English translation).

Glazyev is way more blunt than in his meticulous economic analyses. While noting the Deep State’s aims of destroying the Russian world, Iran and block China, he stresses the U.S. “will not be able to win the global hybrid war”. A key reason is that the collective West has “put all independent countries in front of the need to find new global currency instruments, risk insurance mechanisms, restore the norms of international law and create their own economic security systems.”

So yes, this is Totalen Krieg, Total War – as Glazyev spells it out with no attenuation, and how Russia denounced it this week at the UN: “Russia needs to stand up to the United States and NATO in its confrontation, bringing it to its logical conclusion, so as not to be torn between them and China, which is irrevocably becoming the leader of the world economy.”

History may eventually register, 77 years after the end of WWII, that neocon/neoliberalcon psychos in Washington silos instigating an inter-Slavic war by ordering Kiev to launch a blitzkrieg against Donbass was the spark that led to the Fall of the U.S. Empire.



TB Fanatic
COG is only viable when adequate warning is given. A sub launched decapitation strike here would give 5 minutes or less warning-totally useless to warn and act upon it.

Which is why it's my belief our government, in at least some agencies has already been dispersed from the DC area. I won't give a timeline and I will no longer post anything in the BS (thanks to a hostile debunker a few months back-my reporting ran counter to the MSM so it wasn't true. Bite me.)

But if you're local open your eyes. Parts of our .gov pulled a Dick Cheney the week after this Ukraine soiree started.

All is not what it seems.
Like I said, I don't think COG makes any difference because there aren't going to be minions to load ammo on flatbed trucks. Sure they will be planning and giving orders, there isn't going to be anyone to carry out the commands.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Please correct me if I’m wrong. Other than seriously depleting conventional war stocks of all kinds, all sides, destroying the economies of several Eastern European nations and Russia, killing thousands of innocent people, and virtually ensuring the specter of starvation becoming the unwanted guest at millions of dinner tables, what has this war accomplished? Oh, of course, it’s also strengthened Communist China and fundamentalist Muslim nations… What does Russia have to celebrate Monday, the 9th of May, 2022?


It advances the objectives of the Great Reset: getting rid of Putin while running down the military resources of the West.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

If Putin wasn't a Tsar in his heart, he would return the 4 islands back to Japan. They serve very little in military objectives, but these islands have always been part of Japan. Holding on to them just puts a block in the way of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia.


Right from the start
here is a personal letter from a friend, her daughter is high school age.

i am putting this here so that all you, like doug, and raven and you know who you are... who think that somehow this invasion is justified, or that maybe the massacre in Bucha was really a Ukrainian 'false flag'.

" good early morning '*****'

I'm so happy to write you a letter now...

My heart hurts so much for Ukraine ..

I'm sorry that I didn't write to you for a long time .. I really missed you, but unfortunately in life, not everything is as simple as we would like;(

When the war started, I was in Kyiv and my daughter was in Sumy, I decided to go pick her up, but my journey was almost a day and at that moment Russian troops were already in the city of Sumy. This city is on the border.

I took my daughter and we went to Kyiv, our convoy was fired upon and some people died, I can't forget it. What kind of animals are these soldiers ... We will never be able to forgive ..

I hope this hell ends soon...

We are now in Germany with my sister..

How do you? "

and yesterday aft, i ran into my neighbor, a big jovial silent type, who runs a nice restaurant in town, or used to, in our common space. dressed up in full combat gear, side arm, full chest stash,.. now, i found out, he full time soldier , in charge of a platoon of 19 guys who are intense training... and they are not preparing to go east...

and on a 'light' note, at the big multi-purpose box store in town, they were playing this deep but moving mournful male chorus singing this , over and over:

слава україні


On TB every waking moment
Like I said, I don't think COG makes any difference because there aren't going to be minions to load ammo on flatbed trucks. Sure they will be planning and giving orders, there isn't going to be anyone to carry out the commands.

If things go hot, the first mission of a CoG, after legitimizing it's assumption of national command authority is going to be to enforce deterrence, failing that MAD goes into effect and the discussion of all of that makes the films "Fail Safe", "Dr. Strangelove" and some other films look tame and too long for this thread.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Try and find a local church with a deep basement. (During the OCDA shelter assessment in the early 60's, many churches were designated as fallout shelters). They aren't stocked anymore so you'd need to bring your own supplies but you can stay alive.

bringing your supplies to a group of 'non supply oriented'

would be the quik end to your supplies

and you, if resisting.

know your people.