CRISIS FUNG ADVISORY: ***Incoming Economic Collapse***


There is ample economic history in the ZUSA - Continentals, greenbacks, you name it - right up until JFK and LBJ eliminated the use of SILVER as money in the ZUSA. FDR took care of the GOLD in 1933 and that was that internationally but John Q. Citizen still had silver ... until about 1968.

It's been freefall ever since.


TB Fanatic
"Deflationary depression" sounds pretty good of those two options. Might take these $15 an hour burger flippers down a bit. Though hopefully that can wait until my ark's built and the house is sold.

Is yours a dry-land ark, or in the spirit of Noah? (floating...)


Veteran Member
People seem to have a lot of $$$ right now. Herds out shopping like mad around here.

Not sure what the Gov is handing out lately other than the $250 per kid deal but people seem to have plenty of spending cash.

People have no idea this is all coming down at some point.


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
Down detector seems to be indicating that the Amazon outages are improving. The main website is up but I don't know if you tried to order something if it would go through or not.

View attachment 306378

The AWS outage is affecting us at work as well (state college in OK) we got an email from IT about this morning. The world financial system is a house of cards and the wind is picking up

Been wreaking havoc with many University systems (in my AO) today.



Yep, that was the last year of real silver in quarters.

Money was gold, then silver, then copper, then zinc. I think it costs more than a penny to make a zinc penny now. We have really fallen.

Plus if you file a bunch of zink flakes with magnesium flakes and a little plastic....

That's like a interesting water proof match.



TB Fanatic

Amazon packages pile up after AWS outage spawns delivery havoc
Spencer SoperBloomberg
An Amazon Web Services outage is wreaking havoc on the e-commerce giant’s delivery operation, preventing drivers from getting routes or packages and shutting down communication between Amazon and the thousands of drivers it relies on, according to four people familiar with the situation.


TB Fanatic
and this

Amazon Suffers Massive Web Services Crash, Shutting Down Services Like Disney+
Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos provides the keynote address at the Air Force Association's Annual Air, Space & Cyber Conference in Oxen Hill, MD, on September 19, 2018. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images
Amazon Web Services (AWS) crashed on Tuesday, leaving Amazon deliver trucks stranded, unable to access their routes. The global outage also crashed Alexa, Ring, Disney+, Tinder, Venmo, and Prime Video, among many other services.

AWS — which provides cloud computing services to individuals, universities, governments, and businesses — crashed sometime after 10:30 a.m. EST on Tuesday, affecting thousands of customers worldwide, according to a report by Daily Mail.


The Computer Chyck

Amazon packages pile up after AWS outage spawns delivery havoc
Spencer SoperBloomberg
An Amazon Web Services outage is wreaking havoc on the e-commerce giant’s delivery operation, preventing drivers from getting routes or packages and shutting down communication between Amazon and the thousands of drivers it relies on, according to four people familiar with the situation.

2nd major outage this year...

Somebody needs a MAINFRAME installed!!

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Right now I suspect they'd take an AS 400 networked set of CPUs and about an acre of 2311 pizza oven drives...

Ed to get into the correct field... Spent too much time chatting with the Bro-in-law about his recent pistol builds
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Dollar has Stage 4 Cancer – Rob Kirby | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
RT 33:15

Dollar has Stage 4 Cancer – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter On December 7, 2021 In Market Analysis 22 Comments
By Greg Hunter’s

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has long predicted Fed money printing would have to go “on a vertical curve where money has to be added to the system . . . to keep the system from crapping out and imploding.” Kirby said this more than a year ago. Massive money printing can no longer be hidden, and it has disastrous and dire implications for the dollar. Kirby explains, “They are not hiding it. It’s too big. If you have an elephant under your carpet in the living room, you can’t say ignore the bump. Elephants are hard to hide. It’s also hard to hide $150 billion in daily turnover in cryptos. That translates into a $54 trillion annual run rate. That means trade settlement. This is admitting there is trade settlement in dollars, and that amount is growing. The dollar is on this exponential growth curve. More dollars are being pushed into the world market every year, and fewer of them are being used in trade settlement. What happens when dollars are not used in trade settlement? They return home. The dollars are returning home, and that’s why the price for everything in America is going up. That’s why the equity markets are higher when fundamentals say the equity markets should be down. We have a huge swath of the economy in America that is still shuttered from this supposed pandemic.”

Kirby contends we are getting closer to a dollar crash. Kirby says, “Until it gets so tall that it looks like the World Trade Center, and you know what happens when things get that tall? They come down in a heap, and that’s what’s going to happen with the dollar. It’s going to come down in a heap just like the World Trade Center. It’s going to be fast, and it’s going to be brutal. That’s where we are headed, and the powers that be know it. That’s what they are keeping from us. That’s why we have the censorship on social media. That’s why people who talk authoritatively about reality are censored and cut off because we are in trouble. They don’t want us to know, and I think they want a lot of us eliminated.”

Does that mean gold and silver have lost their shine to crypto currency? No way, and Kirby predicts, “Metal prices are suppressed. . . . There is going to come a day when metal prices will free itself from the shackles it is currently engaged with. When that occurs, precious metals, in my view, will exceed what we have seen in the crypto universe. What we have seen in crypto currency in the last year or two, I think we could see that in spades in precious metals. . . . The dollar has stage 4 cancer right now. Best you have insurance to cover yourself when the dollar does what it is destined to do.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with analyst Rob Kirby, founder of (There is much more in the 33 min. interview.) 12.07.21
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After the Interview:

Kirby recently wrote for friends and subscribers, “There was a time it took Bernie Madoff a couple of decades to bilk $50 billion out of a bunch of chumps. Then we got to the point that it took 17 years for officialdom to squeeze “a missing $21 Trillion” out of a lemon through dubious government accounting gimmickry. Now, we have finally arrived at the point where we can make $400 billion go “poof” in 12 hours. (As happened this past Saturday in the crypto markets.)

A dollar sure doesn’t buy what it used to, eh? Isn’t that progress?”
There is free information on If you want more cutting edge original macro-economic analysis, you can become a subscriber by clicking here.

To help Kirby continue his work, you can donate via PayPal, and that tab is located on the left hand side of the home page. It says “Help Support Indy Media.”