ILL IMM 'We Are Ready for War': Leader of Migrant Caravan Says Nothing Will Get in His Way of Making It to US


Stone Cold Crazy
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'We Are Ready for War': Leader of Migrant Caravan Says Nothing Will Get in His Way of Making It to US

By Samantha Chang October 7, 2021 at 9:43am

An army of 60,000 illegal aliens, mostly Haitians, is expected to flood the U.S. border in the coming weeks, and a second caravan is waiting in the wings preparing to further barrage the United States.

One of the people spearheading the next migrant invasion is Irineo Mujica, a dual citizen of Mexico and the United States who is director of the leftist advocacy group Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), Border Report revealed Tuesday.

Mujica warned that he and his caravan of illegal aliens “are ready for war” and will reach the United States with or without the consent of governments standing in their way.

“We are leaving in 20 days,” he vowed Tuesday on social media, according to the report. “We prefer to march with [travel] papers. […] And this time, with papers or without papers, we are ready for war.

“If the National Guard comes and they are cowardly enough to beat women and children, let them prepare because God’s hand is with us.”

Mujica’s words came amid mounting frustration that the Mexican government has begun detaining caravans barreling through Mexico en route to the United States.

Mexico recently started intercepting caravans at the behest of the Biden administration amid escalating alarm among Americans about the daily invasions.

The United States gives Mexico an average of $320 million in aid every year, in part to incentivize it to secure its own border so its residents won’t sneak into America.

When former President Donald Trump was in office, he worked with Mexico’s leader to stem the influx of illegal aliens.

After Biden took office, that arrangement went out the window, and the border devolved into an open door for armies of unvetted migrants from numerous countries.

Some 60,000 mostly Haitian migrants are heading to Texas right now, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday. That’s on top of the 20,000 Haitians who illegally crossed into Del Rio last month.

Another 30,000 are currently traversing Colombia en route to the United States, Border Patrol authorities told the outlet.

“Texas National Guard is gearing up at the border for increased caravans attempting to cross the border caused by Biden’s open border policy,” Abbott tweeted last week.

On Wednesday, Abbott said he has deployed thousands of National Guard soldiers and Texas law enforcement officers to curb the armies of unvetted migrants who are en route.

“Biden created the chaos. Texas is stopping it,” Abbott tweeted.

Despite its best efforts, Texas simply cannot stop the enormous migrant influx on its own, especially since the numbers have swelled into unprecedented proportions.

Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned department officials that as many as 400,000 illegal aliens could swarm the southern border this month alone, NBC News reported.

By now, millions of Americans believe Biden’s border crisis is not an accident. Fox Nation host Lara Logan, a former CBS News reporter, suggested that the border debacle is intentional.

“They don’t tell you the national security threat posed by letting the cartels come across the southern border, do they?” Logan told Fox News host Tucker Carlson in August.

“Whoever is in power right now, whoever is really pulling the strings … they could do anything they want to change this. And they’re not,” she said. “The United States government could change this even today. And they don’t do it.”

Biden has been in politics for five decades, with two terms as U.S. vice president. To suggest that he’s unaware of the long-term impact of his border catastrophe is naive and defies logic


Stone Cold Crazy
In other words, we are about to be invaded by at least ONE "Field Army" of at least 2-3 Corps in each.

I am at a loss to see how we handle that. without bending over and kissing our asses goodby.

I'm not, but Biden and Crew certainly won't do what I would and I doubt Americans have the stomach for it.

There comes a time when one has to do whatever is neccesary to repel invaders.


Veteran Member
Fox News tonight showed the cartels firing automatic weapons across the border at the Texas National Guard troops. Comment was, that’s .50 caliber. Seeing the grapefruit sized tracers, it looked like .50 caliber to me. Now this migrant leader comes along and says, this is war.

Given all that has taken place, one could safely assume that war has been declared on the United States. Firing into our country. Invading our country. And pudding cups response, crickets.

Congress will not impeach pudding cup. Our Federal military is in the hands of traitors. It seems that whether the invasion continues or not is up to Texas. Does the Texas Governor have the balls to order the Texas National Guard to fix bayonets and hold the border?

There are many non-lethal options that could be used. Sonic, heat, fire hoses, jerking a knot in Mexico’s butt, and so forth. But as long as pudding cup aka Obama, Susan Rice, George Soros keep inviting them in, any actions taken will only be temporary and will be a media PR stunt. See we tried but…. We can’t simply murder undocumented pregnant women and children and toddlers and puppies. But we can let them all in to murder our country. And that’s the point of all this - isn’t it.

Green Co.

Fox News tonight showed the cartels firing automatic weapons across the border at the Texas National Guard troops. Comment was, that’s .50 caliber. Seeing the grapefruit sized tracers, it looked like .50 caliber to me. Now this migrant leader comes along and says, this is war.
It sure smells like war. The next surge is likely to get ugly, especially if the illegals have firearms or machettes. Latest vid on the shooting across the border:
Oct. 09

Given all that has taken place, one could safely assume that war has been declared on the United States. Firing into our country. Invading our country. And pudding cups response, crickets.

Congress will not impeach pudding cup. Our Federal military is in the hands of traitors. It seems that whether the invasion continues or not is up to Texas. Does the Texas Governor have the balls to order the Texas National Guard to fix bayonets and hold the border?

I would worry that any soldier, police officer, or citizen that did injure an insurgent would promptly be charged with murder by the federal DA. Then it would be a real war should Texans attempt to stop the feds.

Right now Texas has only around 2500 NG and Troopers on the border. I haven't seen any reports, but South Dakota, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa and Florida, states that had police & guardsmen reinforcing the border, have all been recalled back home. Texas again stands alone.

There are many non-lethal options that could be used. Sonic, heat, fire hoses, jerking a knot in Mexico’s butt, and so forth. But as long as pudding cup aka Obama, Susan Rice, George Soros keep inviting them in, any actions taken will only be temporary and will be a media PR stunt. See we tried but…. We can’t simply murder undocumented pregnant women and children and toddlers and puppies. But we can let them all in to murder our country. And that’s the point of all this - isn’t it.
I don't know if the guard has any of those fancy gadgets, fire hoses... but water for the pumper trucks isn't real plentiful down there.

Perhaps if we declared our independence again, hoping for support from all the red states that have bloviated about secession, then declared WAR on those coming across, Texas might be saved, and perhaps more of the union.
Yeah, I can dream, can't I??

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Just doing some bloviating of my own, Sooth.

Henry Bowman

Veteran Member
Hopefully the 200,000 troops that are refusing the vax, will show up at the border.
Not going to happen.

However, I would bet The great State / Republic Of Texas could, between Texas Guard and volunteer militia.

There would be nothing the Communist/Globalist could do but it would be good if they tried.
The optics of that would be stupendous.

Imagine the amount of volunteers from all of the States heading to assist Texas in their hour of need.

In the immortal words of Mr. Crocket “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.”


TB Fanatic
Maybe the asshole should stop hiding behind women and children. They’ve been known to kill Americans in battles too. He could get them killed … and it’s all on him.

Someone needs to take this American hating slime ball out. So is he declaring war? On America?

Time for militia‘s to step in. China Joe and his leadership, and the Demonrats are letting a invasion force declare war on us. What do you think these thugs, women and children are going to do when they get in … besides voting Demonrats.

Just imagine the future ramification for America if this shit is allowed to continue much more.

Letsgo Brandon is a illegitimate traitor in chief.


Ancient Fuzzball
Suppose this invading horde does make it across the border, guess who they are going to attack next?

Anyone they can, as the masses hiding in the CONEX boxes floating just outside our ports do their worst. All planned out, the latest steps through the "Long March" that they planned decades ago. A plan that our "they" have made massive fortunes on, and now will plan their "exit strategy".


People need to ask themselves how many weapons, vehicles, missiles, and soldiers you can put in a 20 foot or 40 foot shipping container. Now multiply that by hundreds of thousands of shipping containers sitting off both coasts. Now add that to the millions of illegal imms that we already have, plus the gangs, drug dealers, and other miscreants. Now add in the millions/billions that could come across both the southern and northern border.

"May you live in interesting times." Well played, china, well played.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Mujica warned that he and his caravan of illegal aliens “are ready for war” and will reach the United States with or without the consent of governments standing in their way.

Don’t ask for what you don’t understand.

You don’t make the rules in someone else’s nation and could find yourself in deep Kim-chi by biting off more than you can chew.

I’ve said before that I’m not in favor of executing civilians at the border. First off, who’s going to do it? Second, it’s not necessary. Apprehend them, treat them essentially as POW’s ( meaning no white glove treatment) and repatriate them like crap thru a goose.

IF this moron does incite violence, use whatever force is necessary to protect the force, defend the geographic border and restore order. Then incarcerate and repatriate.

Jeff B.


On TB every waking moment
So, while we are playing fantasy games ... here's another.

snipity snip...

Which brings me to random thought: IF the Governor of Texas had any balls, he'd throw the Feds out. Like completely. Like we're talking full on double-secret-succession. Couple of things would have to happen. Whoever the TexGov is, he/she would have to find out who's loyal to Texas and who's loyal to the FedGov. Then, do the same across ALL state agencies. Begin a purge of all 'non-hackers' who cannot 'pack the gear' to paraphrase R Lee Ermy. Do the same to the FedGovFolks as well... they've been living there, they have families and such, then do another "Fort Sumter" on Fort Hood and all the rest of the DotMil. Confiscate ALL of it from the FedGov for failure to support and defend the State from what is now, IMO a fully hostile military/state sanctioned foreign invasion.

Then deploy the Bradleys and ALL the Tanks to the border. Tell New Mexico and the surrounding States, "Yer either with us or against us!" and then invade Mexico. Push at least 10 miles in. Depopulate/evacuate every living person in that 10 mile buffer zone. Kill any and all armed men. What the **** is Mexico going to do? Cry to the UN? What's the ****ing UN going to do? Fort Hood alone has TWO Heavy Armored Division. Add Fort Bliss which has 1st Armor Division, that3 Heavy Armored Divisions. That literally could make Texas like the 6th strongest DotMil in the world. And that's only the Heavy Divisions.

Then, add in the Red River Army Depot and civilian volunteers who'd be MORE than willing to join the cause and get trained up, to man and use that depot storage equipment for The Free State of Texas? Oh holy shit that'd be a terminal meltdown in DC. But, currently? What could they do? I mean right now our FedGov and Higher-Higher DotMil is literally the most ineffective and incompetent it's ever been since the founding of the country. Literally. Stupidest. DotGov. Evvar!

They wouldn't do anything, except maybe threaten to nuke Texas, at which point, if they (Texas) sent a division North to 'clean house', ain't literally NOTHING that could stop them outside of a nuke, as well as threatening to nuke your own folks? Rookie mistake material there... Or what could also happen is they'd scream for 'outside intervention' from the UN and then that's where Joe Chink tries to roll in, but no matter what happens they'd lose. Period ****ing Dot. The optics on either threatening to nuke, actually using a nuke OR inviting in Slo Xi-Den's Joe Chink Controllers into the Untied Statz? Yeah, that'd be about as messy as his depends Aye. Quite literally shyttey.

Texas quite literally has everything to gain and nothing to lose except the chains tying them to the illegitimate DotGov of the Glorious and Harmonious P&PBUH Orifice of The (p)Resident, The Dementor-in-Chief, Emperor Poopypants the First, Chief Executive of the Kidsmeller Pursuivant, Good Ole Slo Xi-Den.

Again, another great movie/book.

Oh, and the Invasion of Mexico? Too easy to solve. Tell the Mexheeecans that you'll be pulling back AFTER that a five mile Demilitarized Zone of Minefields, razorwire and towers are installed permanently. LOTS of mines. Hordes of Mines. Nuclear Area Denial Mines IF you can find 'em. Backed up by a Quick Reaction Force of Heavies that'll have exceptionally liberal rules of engagement. Anyone, or anything seen in that area is 'meat for the table'. No quarter given on ANYTHING or ANYONE now and forever.

**** Mexheeeco. They've been literally blood sucking ticks to the tune of Billions of remittances forever. And oh yeah, ALL remittances, leastways out of Texas? Shut the **** down, now and forevermore. Anyone who doesn't like it, and thinks it's harsh, man, you ain't see shit yet. Random thoughts and ideas? I got a ****ton. Like how to deal with the cartel and illegals in the country? Easy. A 30 grace period. Get. The. ****. Out. Pack yor shit. Sell anything you can't take with you.

End of the thirty day grace period?

Issue hunting licenses and bounties.
Put it on Pay-Per-View.
Reinstate the Texas Rangers as the highest law of the land. Clean out the bureaucrats and "Make Hanging Great Again". Don't like it? ****ing leave. Majority Rule -again-. NOT the 'Tyranny of the Minority'... you want to be treated 'special'? Think that biological mentally ill men can get pregnant? Move to San Francisco or some 'other' psychotically run DemonCrat Hellhole where they'll coddle your mental illness. OR, stay, get the help you need and maybe assist in helping Texas (or anywhere else) become of a for-real Better state.

Whew... so yeah, I get a bit fired up.

I Loved Texas. Hated "Da Hood". Rural Texas is awesome. Would LOVE to head back there but only if they make it legal to shoot mother****ing illegals and Demons. True story: The most anti-illegals in Texas are the legal Mexican migrants? I knew a few of them in the DotMil in my time in Iraq. They purely hate the illegals to the point that it was confided in me the reason you DON'T hear about follow ups on those groups of dead illegals that get found occasionally in the high desert who've been shot?

Yeah, it's 'cos it don't fit the 'narrative'.

Sometimes it's the Cartels... But then again, it may be the legal newly-minted former Mexicans doing those dirty jobs no one else wants to. Not the eeevil anti-immigrant (love how they call those douches 'immigrants' Aye?) whypeepo superpreemiecysts doing the killings, it's their ****ing former countryfolk. Sez a lot aboot that don't it?

So, More Later I Remain The Intrepid Reporter
Big Country


Veteran Member
Everyone needs to take some time and read up on what exactly happened during the Haitian Rebellion in the early 1800’s.

Ill give you a readers digest version…every last white, European, and eventually mullato was hunted down, raped/tortured and savagely killed.

An army of 60k coming this way?

An army of well funded, communistically indoctrinated, HIV infested, demonic, and likely heavily armed Haitians.

Supplied, transported, and organized by Soros? and told, “Kill all you want, and you can have their land, women, and riches.

Likely they’ll see themselves (as blacks often do) as Hebrews going into the promised land and devoting everyone to destruction….do you really think they won’t?