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On TB every waking moment

Now we have a pretty clear idea of where COV originated
M. Dowling
-May 22, 2021

It is obvious that we must determine the origins of COVID or we cannot prevent the next pandemic. Americans were told ridiculous reasons for the virus. We were lied to about Pengolins sold in a Wuhan market causing it — without any evidence or any connecting of the dots.

On February 6, 2020, scientists from the South China University of Technology uploaded a paper that said it likely came from the Horseshoe Bat but it’s odd since it’s not sold at the Wuhan markets, and there are none near Wuhan. As it happened, two Wuhan universities conducted research on Horseshoe Bats.

They concluded the killer coronavirus likely came from a lab in Wuhan. The paper stayed on the Internet for weeks and healthcare officials in the US ignored it.

The reaction was to demonize anyone who said the lab is the likely origin. We weren’t even allowed to say it was the “Wuhan Virus,” since the media wanted to please Chinese communists.

A Chinese scientist, a virologist, who personally did experiments in China on the Coronavirus with the top virologists in the world, Li Meng Yan told Tucker early on, September 15, 2019, that the virus belonged to the Chinese military and was released deliberately — “of course.”

Politfact accused Dr. Yan of being a “pants on fire liar.” Facebook censored any mention of Dr. Yan. Brian Stelter mocked her and said the social media monopolies “intervened,” as if it was for our own good.

To rebel against Donald Trump, they continued the lie about the origins of the virus. Now that they got Biden elected, most attacks on Dr. Yan and her statements are retracted. Even Politifact retracted. Facebook hasn’t because they are too tight with China.

Dr. Yan was on Tucker last night, now exiled from her family and country for exposing the origins of the virus.

Dr. Yan told Tucker that the virus came from a gain-of-function research project partly by NIH using US taxpayers’ money. The people behind this are the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Army.

Tucker asked her thoughts on why Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins among others rejected the idea. She said it’s because the Chinese Communist Party wants everyone to believe it came from nature so they use their power, their influence, and their misinformation campaign, and use scientists to spread the false story so they won’t know it came from the lab.
The scientists lied.

She said she can tell from looking at it that it was created in the lab, and has proven it. There is no good purpose to gain-of-function research. It is too dangerous. The only purpose is to harm people and target people, she said.

Rumble video on website 6:20 min


On TB every waking moment

What Happens When Vaccine Incentives Aren’t Enough?

Reluctant citizens can slow down herd immunity despite abundant vaccines. Compulsory shots are unpalatable, but may be necessary.

Clara Ferreira Marques
May 16, 2021, 10:30 PM UTC
Hong Kong is using late-night venues to encourage vaccinations.

Hong Kong is using late-night venues to encourage vaccinations.
Photographer: Paul Yeung/Bloomberg

When much of the world is still desperate for Covid-19 vaccinations, a handful of wealthy places are beginning to have the opposite problem. Hong Kong is one. Despite a free and easily accessible program open to all adults since April, only just over 10% of the population of 7.5 million has had both injections, with low rates even among the oldest. Hesitancy is so high that only half of residents say they intend to get vaccinated.

The combination of political upheaval, distrust in government and success in keeping caseloads low makes Hong Kong an unusual, even extreme, example of reluctance, as seen in studies of attitudes to other control measures, compared to Singapore and Malaysia. But the territory is far from alone as the rich world shifts from shortages to indifference, well before enough people have been inoculated to allow a safe reopening. The question arises of how governments push populations if — or probably when — hints, cash, free burgers and even the prospect of international travel prove insufficient to reach herd immunity, the vaccination rate of roughly 70% or more that’s necessary to protect everyone.

It’s uncomfortable to argue for obligatory jabs, even in a pandemic that has devastated families globally. Yet if we don’t get to better levels once vaccines are fully and freely available, some degree of compulsion may well be necessary. The benefit is too great, and the risk and sacrifice asked of citizens too small, to ignore. Authorities in England estimate that by the end of April, vaccines had averted at least 11,700 deaths among those aged 60 or over. Globally, of course, it’s many times that.

Public health usually operates on a sliding scale of state involvement. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the U.K. calls it an intervention ladder, ranging from “do nothing” (the sort of minimal intervention many people prefer) to “eliminate choice.” We remain somewhere around the lower rungs when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, which are still rolling out.

Information is being provided, citizens persuaded, access facilitated. But we’re already rapidly moving up toward the point where officials are beginning to guide choices with incentives in cash and kind.

In recent days alone, Hong Kong has talked about offering vaccinations at workplaces to make it easier for employees. In the U.S., the state of Ohio announced a lottery with $1 million cash prizes. New Jersey has offered free beer for getting a shot and West Virginia is targeting young people with $100 savings bonds. Elsewhere, Serbia promised 3,000 dinars ($31) to vaccinated citizens, one of the first countries to offer cash.

The good news is that there’s still plenty of room for such options to nudge people along. Hong Kong could certainly afford to dip into its fiscal reserves. A generous incentive of HK$5,000 ($640), the same amount offered under a plan to stimulate consumption, would cost a little more than $4 billion if all eligible over-16s are counted — a bit over 1% of gross domestic product and a worthy investment, considering the damage dealt by Covid-19 closures and restrictions. And payments do have an impact.

Unfortunately, encouragement isn’t likely to get us all the way to herd immunity, or not in enough places. So what happens then? Leaving aside employers, where arguments are different, is it acceptable for a government to consider disincentives, mandating vaccines for activities like eating out or even going to school, as already happens for childhood shots in many places? Vaccines are the greatest gift to public health after clean water. Should we consider an even tougher line?

Full compulsion — which implies fines or even prison, as opposed to simply not getting a benefit or public service — isn’t easily embraced. For me, that’s less because of arguments around personal liberty than because of the deep polarization in many societies, including the U.S., that would only worsen with such an approach. More importantly, some reasons deterring people from vaccinations — distrust of health or political authorities, or more pressing medical or shelter problems — deserve to be tackled, not papered over.

But the harm principle also suggests that intervention is necessary when there is real or potential injury to others, and the harm here is great — 3.4 million lives lost to date. The vaccines that could have avoided the vast majority of deaths are now becoming available to many more people, and time is of the essence.

Take University of Richmond philosopher Jessica Flanigan’s comparison between vaccine refuseniks and a person firing a weapon into the air. We’d want to stop the shooter because bystanders could get hurt or killed. The same, she argues, applies to vaccinations. It’s less about the right to refuse than the right not to get infected — especially for those who can’t be vaccinated, like tiny babies, the immunocompromised or those with severe allergies.

That doesn’t have to mean compulsion, but it can. Over a century ago, the U.S. Supreme Court supported a Massachusetts law that allowed cities to require residents be vaccinated against smallpox. The community, at least at a local if not necessarily federal level, can defend itself.

Another persuasive argument for moving up the public health ladder is made by Alberto Giubilini, at Oxford University, who says vaccines are like taxes. Protection from a disease like Covid-19 is a collective benefit that creates obligations the state can extract from us. None of us have the right to be free riders. Like taxes, vaccines entail a relatively small cost, prevent harm, and are, roughly, a fair way of distributing the burden of a communal responsibility. It’s not a perfect analogy — vaccines involve our bodies, not simply cash — but the equity aspect is compelling.

This of course means obligations for the state. For shots to be mandatory, they must be free and easily accessible. People may have to be given a choice of vaccine, and even most wealthy countries would take a while to get there. Crucially, governments would need adequate compensation programs to cover unforeseen adverse reactions, and many don’t have them.

We’re not at the point of compulsion yet, and hopefully won’t get there. Implementation would be messy and pushback likely. But if we accept that Covid-19 is something we should aim to control before more new and dangerous variants emerge, these are ethical debates that need to be had. Especially as we watch the stomach-churning spectacle of some countries desperately asking for shots while others allow them to go to waste.

Twisting the arms of citizens works; we know this globally from childhood vaccination campaigns. But there’s another compelling reason: fairness. Selective mandates for some workplaces, or to access some state services, would disproportionately affect specific groups, often at the lower end of the income scale — as with foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. It’s easier for the wealthy to avoid small hurdles. One California study published in 2016 found that school vaccine exemptions in the U.S. are more frequent in White, wealthy districts.

If there is a burden of inconvenience and risk to carry, we should at least carry it equally.


On TB every waking moment

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd

FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 - 11:20 PM
Authored by Kit Knightly via,

New policies will artificially deflate “breakthrough infections” in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.

The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.

They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).
The trick is in their reporting of what they call “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.

Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:
  1. False-positive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)
  2. Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.
Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

Firstly, they are lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected “breakthrough infections”.

From the CDC’s instructions for state health authorities on handling “possible breakthrough infections” (uploaded to their website in late April):

Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s.

Essentially labs were running as many cycles as necessary to achieve a positive result, despite experts warning that this was pointless (even Fauci himself said anything over 35 cycles is meaningless).

But NOW, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC will only accept samples achieved from 28 cycles or fewer. That can only be a deliberate decision in order to decrease the number of “breakthrough infections” being officially recorded.

Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”.

That’s right. Even if a sample collected at the low CT value of 28 can be sequenced into the virus alleged to cause Covid19, the CDC will no longer be keeping records of breakthrough infections that don’t result in hospitalisation or death.

From their website:

Just like that, being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated.

The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people.


The CDC is demonstrating the beauty of having a “disease” that can appear or disappear depending on how you measure it.

To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.

If you apply them only to the vaccinated, but keep the old rules for the unvaccinated, the only possible result can be that the official records show “Covid” is much more prevalent among the latter than the former.

This is a policy designed to continuously inflate one number, and systematically minimise the other.

What is that if not an obvious and deliberate act of deception?
To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.

Well yeah, if the news never reported the mass deaths, like in Cuomo's senior citizen homes. As I have ranted many times, if the deaths had been spread out amongst the populace, not much public reaction. But Covid persisted in killing in clusters and that is what did it. And don't think for one minute that would have been hidden.


On TB every waking moment

Oregon First State To Require Vaccination Proof For Maskless Entry Into Businesses, Workplaces, & Churches

SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021 - 04:30 PM
Authored by Samuel Allegri via The Epoch Times,

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is requiring that people in workplaces, businesses, and religious sites show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to be allowed maskless entry to the facilities.

The state’s health authorities updated their masking guidance on May 19, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) rollback of strict mask mandates.
Businesses, employers and faith institutions now have the option to adjust their masking guidance to allow fully vaccinated individuals to no longer wear a mask in their establishments,” the OHA declared in a statement.
Businesses, employers and faith institutions doing so must have a policy in place to check the vaccination status of all individuals before they enter their establishment. Businesses, employers and faith institutions who do not create such policies will maintain the same masking guidance listed below, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.”
The statewide policy is the first of the kind in the country and is raising concerns for those who don’t want to wear masks or take the vaccine due to a number of concerns including safety, side effects, efficacy, mistrust in pharmaceutical companies, and a lack of full FDA approval. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in late March flagged vaccine passport systems’ potential problems in an opinion piece, arguing they would create two tiers of unvaccinated and vaccinated people.

A spokesperson for business group Oregon Business and Industry, Nathaniel Brown, told the New York Times that they “have serious concerns about the practicality of requiring business owners and workers to be the enforcer.”
“We are hearing from retailers and small businesses who are concerned about putting their frontline workers in a potentially untenable position when dealing with customers,” Brown said.
On May 16, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that local governments, but not federal, will be driving “vaccine mandates” of this type.
“We’re not counting on vaccine mandates at all. It may very well be that local businesses, local jurisdictions will work toward vaccine mandates. That is going to be locally driven and not federally driven,” Walensky told NBC.

New York, which is offering free vaccination and incentives to get the shot, released in March an application that could act as a COVID-19 vaccine passport.

The application is named “Excelsior Pass,” and local authorities are thinking about requiring it for sports events, weddings, and businesses.

In this undated photo, provided by NY Governor’s Press Office on March 27, 2021, is the new “Excelsior Pass” app, a digital pass that people can download to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. (NY Governor’s Press Office via AP/File)

“New Yorkers have proven they can follow public health guidance to beat back COVID, and the innovative Excelsior Pass is another tool in our new toolbox to fight the virus while allowing more sectors of the economy to reopen safely and keeping personal information secure,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a statement.

With the move, Oregon is the first state to implement a system that requires people entering workplaces, businesses, and religious sites to show proof of vaccination.

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
**** Edited to add: NOT Medical Advice..... for educational purposes only.


Evidence continues to mount supporting cheap generic drugs being repurposed to help with new disease...

Drug Makers are pissed.

Doctors Claim A Cocktail Of Cheap Drugs Could Help India Extinguish COVID Crisis
Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Saturday, May 22, 2021 - 09:00 PM
Last week, we reported that several increasingly desperate communities across India have been embracing a controversial (at least, in the US) strategy for trying to mitigate the fallout from the crisis. Communities have been doling out inexpensive anti-malaria drugs as a prophylactic against COVID-19, citing scant data showing it could help lower mortality and hospitalization rates - which is critical given India's nationwide shortage of hospital beds and oxygen to sustain seriously ill patients.

The drug in question, ivermectin, is in some ways similar to hydroxychloroquine, which also showed some evidence of being an effective prophylactic to protect the most vulnerable against COVID-19 (President Trump memorably informed the press that he was taking it daily at one point). But since India is mostly cut off from adequate supplies of vaccines and therapeutics like Gilead's remdesivir (which studies have shown isn't all that effective anyway), public health officials have been forced to improvise.

The Times of India published an editorial this week signed by Dr. Vikas Sukhatme and Vidula Sukhatme, two American academics and medical professionals, suggesting a handful of cheap, commonplace drugs that could be taken as prophylactics by the most vulnerable patients in India. The drugs aren't approved to treat COVID, but nevertheless have shown "remarkable promise in preventing or treating the new coronavirus." Deploying them would likely reduce mortality and hospitalizations. While some of the drugs are currently being tested in large-scale randomized trials, there's no time to wait for the outcome.

Instead, Indian health authorities should issue guidelines recommending use of the most promising drugs for each stage of COVID-19. By so doing, physicians will be encouraged to prescribe them as interventions. The resulting data should of course be tracked for any insights it might show.

The two main drugs cited by the doctors, ivermectin and fluvoxamine, have proven effective, and anecdotal unpublished data from more than 400 acutely ill COVID-19 patients suggests that prescribing fluvoxamine and ivermectin together may be even more efficacious.

While daily case numbers have retreated from the peak in India, hospitalizations and mortality remain near all-time highs. Of course, as developing nations fight to waive IP protections for COVID vaccines, the notion that cheap existing drugs might be effective at combating COVID would represent yet another threat to Big Pharma's bottom line.

Read the full editorial below:
The COVID-19 humanitarian calamity unfolding in India is on a scale not seen in this pandemic. This is an extraordinary situation – and it may benefit from an extraordinary response.

There exist affordable, readily available and minimally toxic drugs approved for non-COVID-19 use which show remarkable promise in preventing or treating the new coronavirus. Deploying these drugs in India is likely to rapidly reduce the number of COVID-19 patients, reduce the number requiring hospitalization, supplemental oxygen and intensive care and improve outcomes in hospitalized patients.

Some of these drugs are being tested in large-scale randomized clinical trials in the US and abroad but in most cases, definitive efficacy data is pending. With the current COVID-19 situation in India, we do not have time to wait for results of these studies. Importantly, currently available safety and outcomes data on these drugs is strong enough that it is time to incorporate them into national practice guidelines. Indian authorities should issue such guidelines on the most promising drugs for each stage of COVID-19. By so doing, physicians will be encouraged to use these interventions. The resulting real world data from a few healthcare settings in select cities should be tracked in real time and guidelines suitably revised. If such measures were adopted, we could see effects in 3-4 weeks.

This strategy might be unusual but it is not unheard of: France has the Temporary Recommendation for Use, a “regulatory instrument which aims to allow, on a temporary basis, the use of a medicinal product to allow its effectiveness to be evaluated on the basis of its use."
The choice of drugs is critical. We have worked closely with personnel at the Food and Drug Administration and have connected with the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health to evaluate the merits of repurposed drugs. Based on a mechanistic rationale, data in animal models, human retrospective analyses, clinical trials (some randomized, others not) and anecdotal human data, we created a prioritized list of interventions that hold the greatest promise and that could be deployed at scale. For instance, there is strong data from a randomized trial and a real-world study that administering fluvoxamine sharply reduces the need for hospitalization in COVID-19 outpatients. Moreover, anecdotal unpublished data in over 400 acutely ill COVID-19 patients from several community practitioners suggests that administering fluvoxamine and ivermectin together may be even more efficacious.

Intervention as early as possible after symptom onset is key. Ivermectin is already listed as a “MAY DO” on the ICMR and Indian government guidelines for treatment of acute mild COVID-19 and we suggest that fluvoxamine be added in this category. Also, ivermectin in the prophylactic setting merits serious consideration. For the hospitalized, there are treatments currently used for other conditions that might reduce the need for ventilator support and lower the risk of death. These include inhaled adenosine, cyproheptadine and dipyridamole. For ideas for which there is rather limited human data, the government should offer pre-approved pilot protocols and funding for rapid implementation in select centers rather than issue a recommendation for use.
To be clear, it would be ideal to pursue large clinical trials to test the efficacy of all promising interventions. A randomized adaptive design could efficiently sift through the many possibilities. It may be possible to rapidly set up parallel protocols in India if government authorities can expedite the regulatory process and offer funding. US trial investigators can be persuaded to provide protocols and web-based data collection tools.

We hope that the Indian government will take advantage of repurposed drug research and use temporary use authorizations or guidelines to rapidly promote the most promising therapies at a national level while in parallel aggressively encourage pilot studies and large-scale clinical trials with shovel-ready protocols and funding. Given the current situation, India has little to lose in piloting these approaches: the potential gains could benefit not just the country but the world.
* * *
Source: Times of India

Do Not take Fluvoxamine if you are already taking any anti-depressent medication. You may overdose...
Fluvoxamine is typically used for depression and now it has another use..... and it is generic..

Consult with your Medical care provider about fluvoxamine usage.

Fluvoxamine and Ivermectin can be taken together and appear to be synergistic.... more effective together than separately,
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On TB every waking moment

EXCLUSIVE: China has Infiltrated the U.S. Military Biodefense Program at Fort Detrick

By Joe Hoft
Published May 23, 2021 at 11:30am

By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

The shocking story of how China has infiltrated the U.S. military biodefense program at Fort Detrick.

Chunying Hua, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, has promoted the conspiracy theory that Fort Detrick is the origin of the COVID-19 virus.

Although such a claim is patently ridiculous, there may be a kernel of truth in it, given how much knowledge and skills may have been obtained by Chinese scientists working in Fort Detrick’s virus laboratories.

Make no mistake, the Chinese military is clearly “inside the wire.”

It is important to recognize the fact that, in China, there is no distinction between civilian and military research.

Although unofficial before then, the Chinese Communist Party declared the fusion of civilian and military research as an official goal in its 2016 Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

It is also a fact that, more often than not, scientists born and trained in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), even after becoming U.S. citizens, never completely sever links with their home universities and research institutions, many of which are connected to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick has long been an espionage target of the PLA.

The PLA’s pathway to that target has been through the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, which is inside Fort Detrick, only a few minutes walk from USAMRIID.

We will present a case in point because the examples are too numerous to document here, but they will be addressed in a future article.

It is the 2007 scientific publication about the coronavirus from the first SARS pandemic in 2002-2004 entitled “Potent cross-reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates by human monoclonal antibodies.”


Its authors represent a collaboration of scientists from the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, the Virology Division of USAMRIID and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

The individual authors are interesting as well.

What one notices first about the publication histories of the two PRC-trained Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research scientists, Zhongyu Zhu and Xiaodong Xiao, is that their work has dealt less with cancer than with viruses, many of which are highly dangerous pathogens also studied by China’s biowarfare program.

Another author is PLA-trained Shibo Jiang.

Before returning to China as a professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, Shibo Jiang had been associated with the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of the New York Blood Center for nearly twenty years.

During that time, he developed an extensive network of collaborative research with other major U.S. virus research laboratories and received more than $17 million in U.S. research grants, the vast majority coming from Fauci’s NIAID.

At the same time, Shibo Jiang maintained extensive collaborative research with PLA laboratories, described in detail here, while simultaneously inviting into his U.S. laboratory and training scientists linked to the Chinese military, such as Yuxian He, another author on the cited 2007 publication.

It is believed that Shibo Jiang was involved in the insertion of the furin cleavage site into the COVID-19 virus, the “smoking gun” evidence for its laboratory origin.

Linfa Wang worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and has been a long-time collaborator of the “bat woman” Zheng-Li Shi.

Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, one of the world’s most notorious “gain of function” researchers, has also worked with Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as others whose connections eventually lead back to the PLA.

One PRC-trained scientist, Xiankun Zeng, used the pathway through the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and now is working in USAMRIID and is part of Anthony Fauci’s NIAID Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick.


In other words, Xiankun Zeng has access to the U.S. military’s and NIAID’s most sensitive information about U.S. biowarfare defense.

Xiankun Zeng obtained his PhD degree in the Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Disease, Ministry of Education, Institute of Life Science, Southeast University in Nanjing, PRC.

That laboratory has close collaboration with the Nanjing Military Command, now part of the PLA Eastern Theater Command.

As stated in The Gateway Pundit article of May 20, 2021, the creation and delivery of the COVID-19 virus appears to be linked to the PLA Eastern Theater Command in Nanjing, in particular PLA military officer, Changjun Wang.

As recently as October 2015, Xiankun Zeng was still claiming affiliation with Southeast University in Nanjing.

Even while employed by USAMRIID, Xiankun Zeng has maintained close ties to China’s virus research programs, here shown giving a lecture about the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on October 9, 2018.


U.S. virus research programs are deeply infiltrated by China and the Chinese military.
To be continued.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. His email address is


On TB every waking moment

“A Lot of These So-Called Experts – Are Trying to Cover Their Tracks. This could be a Genuine Scandal” – Sen. Tom Cotton DROPS A BOMB on Fauci and His Wuhan Research Funding (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published May 23, 2021 at 1:02pm

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this AM.
Cotton is famously the first politician to suggest back in February 2020 that the COVID-19 virus originated in a Wuhan, China lab.

1:13 min

Here is a timeline of the Gain of Function research in the US and when the pause was lifted in 2017.

During their discussion, Senator Cotton suggested that the NIH funding by Dr. Fauci to the Wuhan labs could be a “genuine scandal.”
Senator Cotton: “It is imperative that the NIH come clean and tell us exactly what happened… Well, I think that a lot of these so-called experts and scientific bureaucrats are trying to cover their tracks. Again, this could be a genuine scandal. This could be public health bureaucrats violating explicit direction from the Obama White House to continue research that is highly, highly dangerous and particularly susceptible to escape from a laboratory. Especially a laboratory in China.”
Via Sunday Morning Futures:

7:01 min


On TB every waking moment


By Jim Hoft
Published May 23, 2021 at 9:54am

The Rat-in-a-Trap Dr. Fauci finally admitted in his latest flip-flop that the COVID-19 virus may not have occurred naturally.

Fauci made the comments on far-left Politifact channel, an organization that itself has been pushing fake news on the COVID crisis for over a year.


Politifact hack: Sen. Rand Paul, who you have tangled with in the past, suggested that you and the NIH funded risky research that eventually down the line was connected to COVID-19? I don’t want to dwell on this for too long but I do want to give you that chance to react to his comments today.

Dr. Fauci: That’s actually preposterous. To bring something up is really not helpful. He was saying that we funded a kind of research in China that could lead to dangerous research. That’s not the case. So what he was saying was absolutely not true. It is really unfortunate that he brought that up. It really does nothing but cloud the issue of what we are trying to do. So it was just unfortunate that he said that.

Politifact hack: That has been the subject for a lot of our fact-checking on the coronavirus for the past year. There’s a lot of cloudiness around the origins of COVID-19 still. So I wanted to ask are you still confident that COVID developed naturally?

Dr. Fauci: No actually, that’s the point that I said. And I think that the real unfortunate aspect of what Senator Paul did was he was conflating research in a collaborative way with Chinese scientists which was — you’d almost have to say that if we did not do that then we’d be almost irresponsible because SARS-COVI-1 clearly originated in China… So we really had to learn a whole lot about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses. So in a very minor collaboration as part of a sub-contract as part of a grant, we had a collaboration with some Chinese scientists. And what he conflated that was that we were involved in creating the virus. Which is the most ridiculous majestic leap I’ve ever heard of.
There it is.
Fauci just admitted:

** The virus may not have originated naturally — something he refuted earlier until now
** The US DID FUND Chinese research at the Wuhan Labs
** The US funded this research through NIH grants under his leadership

This was right after he accused Senator Paul of lying about this collaboration.
We now know that Senator Paul was 100% correct on his assertions during his Senate testimony.

And we now know that Dr. Anthony Fauci LIED under oath.

Fauci funded the Wuhan labs that leaked the COVID-19 virus and then shut down the US economy after the virus came to America.

It is hard to fathom how much damage this one man did to our country — and then lied about if for months.

And, for the record, Rand Paul brought the receipts.


Here is the video via The Storm Has Arrived–

Rumble video on website 2:45 min

FYI — In May 2020, TGP reported this: The leader of the US task force overseeing the country’s response to the China coronavirus, Dr. Tony Fauci, was the one who funded the Wuhan bat virus work and kept it going.


And, one more thing — The frauds at Politifact “fact-checked” The Gateway Pundit for our reporting on the lab backin 2020.

We were right and they were completely incorrect.


On TB every waking moment

Fauci Flip Flops On COVID Origins, Now ‘Not Convinced’ Virus Developed Naturally.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who discredited the Trump administration’s claims that COVID-19 escaped from a Chinese lab, now insists he’s “not convinced” the virus has natural origins.

Fauci’s comments came during an interview with PolitiFact’s Katie Sanders as part of the Chinese Communist Party-linked company’s United Facts of America: A Festival of Fact-Checking event.

“Are you still confident that it developed naturally,” Sanders questioned the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director.

“No, actually,” Fauci responded. He continued, adding he was “not convinced” that the virus has natural origins:

“No. I’m not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened. Certainly, the people who investigated it say it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else, and we need to find that out. So, you know, that’s the reason why I said I’m perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus.”

Fauci’s newfound skepticism of COVID-19’s natural origins is at odds with his former stance on the issue. As a National Geographic article from May 2020 reveals:

“Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped.

Mainstream media outlets spun the NIAID Director’s remarks as a rebuke of the Trump administration’s claims that COVID-19 was traceable to the Wuhan Institue of Virology.

Rumble video on website 1;48 min


On TB every waking moment

Arizona fails to pass ban on Covid-19 vaccine passports
22 May, 2021 17:24

Arizona officials have shot down a measure which would prohibit most third parties, such as businesses or public schools, from mandating Covid-19 vaccines.

The measure, House Bill 2190, failed to pass on a 16-13 vote, with Republican Sen. TJ Shope joining with Democrats in voting against the bill.

The measure prohibited third parties like schools and businesses from mandating vaccines, as well as inquiring whether someone is vaccinated. Health professionals and institutions would have been exempt from the rule, had it passed.

Violation of the rule would have meant a fine and possibly 30 days in prison.

The vote follows Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signing an executive order in April banning vaccine passports from being enforced by state and local governments in order for an individual to enter an area or receive service.

“Vaccination is up to each individual,” he wrote in his announcement, “not the government.”
There have been multiple efforts led by Republicans to push back against the potential of vaccine passports, which the White House has said will not be mandated by the federal government, but could be pushed by individual businesses.

In response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) walking back its masking guidance, multiple corporations have updated their policies to state that fully vaccinated individuals can refrain from masks and social distancing, but the question has become how to tell who has been vaccinated and who has not. While more conservative lawmakers have argued vaccinated individuals have little to worry about when it comes to infection from non-vaccinated people, others have argued a system is needed to keep CDC guidance from operating on an honor system.

The Iowa legislature passed a bill earlier this month saying local governments and businesses would be denied state money and contracts if they required proof of vaccinations from people. Govs. Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) and Greg Abbott (R-Texas) are among the governors who have signed executive orders banning vaccine passports in their states.

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
stay tuned for HD picts of naked natives, driving scooters, evading the Keystone Cops and
why pizza is the fountain of youth....


On TB every waking moment

CDC Investigating Reports of Heart Problems in Young Adults and Adolescents Following Covid Vaccination

By Cristina Laila
Published May 23, 2021 at 3:06pm

The Centers for Disease Control is now investigating potential heart problems in young adults and adolescents following Covid-19 vaccination.

The CDC said the mRNA ‘vaccines’ produced by Pfizer-BioNTech are ‘potentially’ causing the problem.

The FDA authorized the Pfizer gene therapy jabs for children as young as 12 earlier this month and now there are reports of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) in teens.

The reports of myocarditis in teens is more common in males and typically occurs after the second dose of the jab.

CDC Director Walensky is pushing back and claiming there is no direct link between the vaccines and heart inflammation or myocarditis.

Because it’s completely normal for healthy teens to have heart problems.

Fox News reported:
The Centers for Disease Control is investigating a small number of young adults and adolescents who may have experienced heart problems following a COVID-19 vaccine, though the agency stressed that it is unclear the vaccine is responsible.

There have been “relatively few” reports of myocarditis and “most cases appear to be mild,” but the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group said it felt the potential issue should be communicated to providers.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group discussed the issue during a meeting on May 17 and the news was first reported by the New York Times on Saturday.
The CDC noted that the rates of Myocarditis in young adults following the COVID-19 vaccine “have not differed from expected baseline rates.”

Some doctors and health experts have also argued that COVID-19 can cause Myocarditis and other heart damage, but this link is still being studied.
Dr. Cole recently sounded the alarm on Covid jabs during a radio interview.

“We’ve seen more deaths from this shot than all vaccines in the last 20 years combined — and that’s just in the first 4 to 5 months,” the Idaho doctor said during an appearance on Rose Unplugged 1320 WJAS.
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What Happens When Vaccine Incentives Aren’t Enough?

Reluctant citizens can slow down herd immunity despite abundant vaccines. Compulsory shots are unpalatable, but may be necessary.

Clara Ferreira Marques
May 16, 2021, 10:30 PM UTC
Hong Kong is using late-night venues to encourage vaccinations.

Hong Kong is using late-night venues to encourage vaccinations.
Photographer: Paul Yeung/Bloomberg

When much of the world is still desperate for Covid-19 vaccinations, a handful of wealthy places are beginning to have the opposite problem. Hong Kong is one. Despite a free and easily accessible program open to all adults since April, only just over 10% of the population of 7.5 million has had both injections, with low rates even among the oldest. Hesitancy is so high that only half of residents say they intend to get vaccinated.

The combination of political upheaval, distrust in government and success in keeping caseloads low makes Hong Kong an unusual, even extreme, example of reluctance, as seen in studies of attitudes to other control measures, compared to Singapore and Malaysia. But the territory is far from alone as the rich world shifts from shortages to indifference, well before enough people have been inoculated to allow a safe reopening. The question arises of how governments push populations if — or probably when — hints, cash, free burgers and even the prospect of international travel prove insufficient to reach herd immunity, the vaccination rate of roughly 70% or more that’s necessary to protect everyone.

It’s uncomfortable to argue for obligatory jabs, even in a pandemic that has devastated families globally. Yet if we don’t get to better levels once vaccines are fully and freely available, some degree of compulsion may well be necessary. The benefit is too great, and the risk and sacrifice asked of citizens too small, to ignore. Authorities in England estimate that by the end of April, vaccines had averted at least 11,700 deaths among those aged 60 or over. Globally, of course, it’s many times that.

Public health usually operates on a sliding scale of state involvement. The Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the U.K. calls it an intervention ladder, ranging from “do nothing” (the sort of minimal intervention many people prefer) to “eliminate choice.” We remain somewhere around the lower rungs when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines, which are still rolling out.

Information is being provided, citizens persuaded, access facilitated. But we’re already rapidly moving up toward the point where officials are beginning to guide choices with incentives in cash and kind.

In recent days alone, Hong Kong has talked about offering vaccinations at workplaces to make it easier for employees. In the U.S., the state of Ohio announced a lottery with $1 million cash prizes. New Jersey has offered free beer for getting a shot and West Virginia is targeting young people with $100 savings bonds. Elsewhere, Serbia promised 3,000 dinars ($31) to vaccinated citizens, one of the first countries to offer cash.

The good news is that there’s still plenty of room for such options to nudge people along. Hong Kong could certainly afford to dip into its fiscal reserves. A generous incentive of HK$5,000 ($640), the same amount offered under a plan to stimulate consumption, would cost a little more than $4 billion if all eligible over-16s are counted — a bit over 1% of gross domestic product and a worthy investment, considering the damage dealt by Covid-19 closures and restrictions. And payments do have an impact.

Unfortunately, encouragement isn’t likely to get us all the way to herd immunity, or not in enough places. So what happens then? Leaving aside employers, where arguments are different, is it acceptable for a government to consider disincentives, mandating vaccines for activities like eating out or even going to school, as already happens for childhood shots in many places? Vaccines are the greatest gift to public health after clean water. Should we consider an even tougher line?

Full compulsion — which implies fines or even prison, as opposed to simply not getting a benefit or public service — isn’t easily embraced. For me, that’s less because of arguments around personal liberty than because of the deep polarization in many societies, including the U.S., that would only worsen with such an approach. More importantly, some reasons deterring people from vaccinations — distrust of health or political authorities, or more pressing medical or shelter problems — deserve to be tackled, not papered over.

But the harm principle also suggests that intervention is necessary when there is real or potential injury to others, and the harm here is great — 3.4 million lives lost to date. The vaccines that could have avoided the vast majority of deaths are now becoming available to many more people, and time is of the essence.

Take University of Richmond philosopher Jessica Flanigan’s comparison between vaccine refuseniks and a person firing a weapon into the air. We’d want to stop the shooter because bystanders could get hurt or killed. The same, she argues, applies to vaccinations. It’s less about the right to refuse than the right not to get infected — especially for those who can’t be vaccinated, like tiny babies, the immunocompromised or those with severe allergies.

That doesn’t have to mean compulsion, but it can. Over a century ago, the U.S. Supreme Court supported a Massachusetts law that allowed cities to require residents be vaccinated against smallpox. The community, at least at a local if not necessarily federal level, can defend itself.

Another persuasive argument for moving up the public health ladder is made by Alberto Giubilini, at Oxford University, who says vaccines are like taxes. Protection from a disease like Covid-19 is a collective benefit that creates obligations the state can extract from us. None of us have the right to be free riders. Like taxes, vaccines entail a relatively small cost, prevent harm, and are, roughly, a fair way of distributing the burden of a communal responsibility. It’s not a perfect analogy — vaccines involve our bodies, not simply cash — but the equity aspect is compelling.

This of course means obligations for the state. For shots to be mandatory, they must be free and easily accessible. People may have to be given a choice of vaccine, and even most wealthy countries would take a while to get there. Crucially, governments would need adequate compensation programs to cover unforeseen adverse reactions, and many don’t have them.

We’re not at the point of compulsion yet, and hopefully won’t get there. Implementation would be messy and pushback likely. But if we accept that Covid-19 is something we should aim to control before more new and dangerous variants emerge, these are ethical debates that need to be had. Especially as we watch the stomach-churning spectacle of some countries desperately asking for shots while others allow them to go to waste.

Twisting the arms of citizens works; we know this globally from childhood vaccination campaigns. But there’s another compelling reason: fairness. Selective mandates for some workplaces, or to access some state services, would disproportionately affect specific groups, often at the lower end of the income scale — as with foreign domestic workers in Hong Kong. It’s easier for the wealthy to avoid small hurdles. One California study published in 2016 found that school vaccine exemptions in the U.S. are more frequent in White, wealthy districts.

If there is a burden of inconvenience and risk to carry, we should at least carry it equally.
Perhaps I missed it, was there any mention of thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, just to imperfectly avoid a disease that has a very low lethality and several simple and cheap treatments?
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Naomi Wolf_ 'Fascistic Atmosphere' from Oregon's Vaccine Passport Mandate has Created 'Jim Crow' Two-Tier Society

Naomi Wolf: ‘Fascistic Atmosphere’ from Oregon’s Vaccine Passport Mandate has Created ‘Jim Crow’ Two-Tier Society

By J.D. Rucker • May. 23, 2021

Last week, Oregon became the first state to mandate businesses to only allow those who show proof of Covid vaccination to allow their customers to not wear a face mask. It’s a clear indicator of a two-tier society forming in leftist regions of the country, as Democrat Naomi Wolf noted in a video she released.

“Hi, this is Naomi Wolf from DailyClout and the Five Freedom’s Campaign,” she began. “I’m so sad to be reporting that I’m here in the beautiful state of Oregon and Oregon became the first state in the union to mandate vaccine passports as a condition for entering a business or house of worship without a mask.”

Oregon, with its power base in far-left Portland, has been run by Democrats for a while. The state has pushed further and further to the left, trying to eclipse neighbors Washington and California for the mantle of the west coast’s most radical state. They beat their competitors to the punch on this one by granting not only authoritarian control but obligating it upon businesses and churches.

“On the 19th of May, 2021, just a couple of days ago, the Oregon Health Authority, which is turning into a fascist agency, issued a mandate saying that businesses have an obligation,” she said. “If they’re going to allow people in without a mask, to allow in people who show a vaccine confirmation, and to not allow people in without a mask if they cannot or will not show confirmation of vaccination. And this is businesses, it’s houses of worship, it’s all across the state.”

This won’t just force many businesses to become tyrants. It will create an opportunity for unhinged customers to report businesses who are not following the state’s mandate. Freedom-loving business owners will be forced to make a choice: Execute the state’s mandates or risk being taken down.

“So, they’re putting an obligation on businesses to police their customers and create a two-tier society exactly like Jim Crow laws,” she continued. “I don’t mean to belittle the horrible history of Jim Crow laws, but it’s literally this kind of legislation, some people are better than other people, some people are more equal than others and they get the privilege of removing their masks.”

As bad as the ACLU normally is in their “woke” form of social justice, they are on the right side of this particular issue, as Wolf explained.

“The ACLU wrote an op-ed saying this is the beginning of a two-tier society,” Wolf said. “And I can tell you that I was in Newport, Oregon, just a couple of days ago and there was already a sign outside of a touristy curio shop saying ‘if you’re going to take your mask off inside you need to show proof of vaccination.'”

The ironic part is many of those who have already received the vaccine continue to wear masks while many who have not been vaccinated haven’t been wearing masks except when required. The end result is a whole lot of people who are still wearing face masks.

“I can tell you that this mandate has created already a fascistic atmosphere in Oregon,” Wolf concluded. “People are policing people in stores to make sure they’re six feet apart. If your mask slips you’re told to move it up over your face. But this is a dark day in history, the first vaccine passports in the United States of America, Oregon, May 19, 2021.”

Here’s the video:

2:15 min
This isn’t a left vs right issue, per se. Naomi Wolf is a progressive icon who understands the dangers of draconian mandates like Oregon’s. This is a fight between those who value freedom and those who prefer to live in fear.


On TB every waking moment

Report: Three Wuhan Institute Of Virology Scientists Were Hospitalized In November 2019



May 23, 20215:48 PM ET

Three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were reportedly hospitalized with an unknown infection in November 2019.

The researchers were hospitalized around the time COVID-19 is believed to have begun circulating in China, according to a United States intelligence report obtained by The Wall Street Journal. The report raises new questions about the origins of the virus, which some researchers, intelligence officials, and politicians believe is likely to have escaped from the WIV.

The Chinese government claims that doctors diagnosed the first COVID-19 infection on Dec. 8, 2019, but reporting from the South China Morning Post suggested that the first infection was really diagnosed on Nov. 17.

A State Department fact sheet released on Jan. 15 claimed that “several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak. The symptoms were reportedly consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.” The fact sheet did not provide information about the number of sick researchers, or more exact dates of infection.

Dr. Shi Zhengli, a lead researcher on bat-based coronaviruses at WIV, denies that COVID-19 escaped from her lab, although she previously said that she did “not slept a wink for days” over concerns that it originated with her team.

Dr. Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in April 2020 that Shi’s “denial is not a refutation. Especially not a denial based on ‘nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits.'”

Ebright has said that a lab leak introducing COVID-19 into the general population “cannot—and should not—be dismissed.”
That was scenario discussed in your Fox interview
I am pleased to hear you now distinguish between possibility virus was engineered bioweapon (which can be dismissed) and possibility virus entered human population through lab accident (which cannot–and should not–be dismissed)
— Richard H. Ebright (@R_H_Ebright) February 17, 2020
The lab leak theory posits that COVID-19 escaped from WIV, where scientists have conducted gain-of-function research on bat-based coronaviruses. Gain-of-function research entails making viruses more deadly or transmittable, and can have civilian or military uses.

Other supporters of the lab leak theory include former National Security Council China expert Matthew Pottinger, a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doctor; Robert Redfield, and Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton.

China continues to deny the possibility of a lab leak, claiming instead that COVID-19 originated from the Huanan Seafood Market. Chinese government official have also suggested that COVID-19 could have originated at the Fort Detrick Army base, where the US Army scientists research infectious diseases. That accusation has not been substantiated.

Chinese government officials denied World Health Organization researchers access to raw data from WIV for an investigation. They also edited a final version of the WHO’s report on COVID-19’s origins before it was released.


On TB every waking moment

WATCH: Fauci Brags Of Private Calls With Chinese Communist Party Researchers.
Dr. Anthony Fauci engaged in private phone calls with Chinese researchers regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, despite the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director’s recent attempts to distance himself and his agency from Chinese labs potentially linked to the origins of COVID-19, The National Pulse can reveal.

The relationship Fauci divulges during an event at the Council on Foreign Relations in February 2020 undercuts the top pandemic advisor’s recent claims that his agency has no ties – via funding or personnel – to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

At the event, “Coronavirus Outbreak and Global Health Threats,” Fauci was pressed by a Radio Free Asia journalist on why he “trusts the information China is providing” related to the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Today, I do for the following reason,” he begins before alleging that the Chinese Communist Party isn’t silencing doctors who share COVID-19-related information that goes against party narratives:

“What has changed in China is that the Chinese officials have been more than adamant about actually punishing people who are holding back information, whereas early on, there was a reluctance and a hesitancy on the part of the scientists to talk about what really is going on there.”

“So, there was a phase early on where the people who I knew – people that I’ve dealt with for years – who were very concerned about speaking out publicly, they would speak to me over the phone, but they wouldn’t speak publicly. Now they feel that the government is giving them the free rein to be completely transparent,” Fauci continues.

The private phone calls with researchers knowledgeable of the outbreak – perhaps from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – are at odds with Fauci’s insistence his agency never collaborated on gain of function research relevant to COVID-19. The unearthed comments also follow The National Pulse highlighting the Wuhan Institute of Virology erasing mentions of both gain of function research and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) from its website.

2:12 min

Concerning an international investigation into the origins of the virus, Fauci emphasized the importance of being “sensitive” to Chinese officials, reiterating “we’re guests in their country”:
“We’re very sensitive to the Chinese wanting to be the ones that make the statements, where these people are and where they’re going because we’re guests in their country. And although it’s an understandable question, “tell me who’s there and where they are and where they’re going,” we would prefer for you to have that from the Chinese because you don’t want to get ahead of the Chinese because what we don’t want them to do is to pull back on the offer of having our people there.”


On TB every waking moment

Alabama Governor Ivey signs bill prohibiting so-called vaccine passports, following other states

Ivey also encouraged residents to get vaccinated.

By Nicholas Sherman
Updated: May 24, 2021 - 3:58pm

Alabama Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed a bill Monday banning businesses and public institutions from requiring so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports for entrance.

The bill unanimously passed in the state Senate last month, then in the state House on May 17, in a 76-16 vote, before being signed by the governor, according to the Montgomery Advisor.
The bill states public entities such as public schools "may not issue vaccine or immunization passports, vaccine or immunization passes."

"I am supportive of a voluntary vaccine and by signing this bill into law, I am only further solidifying that conviction," Ivey said after signing the bill. She also encouraged residents to get vaccinated.

Alabama joins other GOP-led states including Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Texas and Wyoming in demand vaccine proof to gain entrance into an establishment.


On TB every waking moment

Report: Leaked Documents Show Mystery Disease Outbreak at Wuhan Lab in 2019
WUHAN, CHINA - JANUARY 28: An aerial view of the city sunset on January 28, 2021 in Wuhan, China. In order to curb the spread of the new crown pneumonia COVID-19 disease, the Chinese government closed the city of Wuhan for 76 days starting January 23, 2020. (Photo by Lintao …
Lintao Zhang/Getty Images
JOHN HAYWARD24 May 2021161

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), citing an alleged previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence report Sunday, claimed three researchers working for the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were hospitalized with coronavirus-like symptoms in November 2019.

Other anonymous sources in the WSJ report alleged the U.S. has quietly amassed even more evidence that supports the theory of the Chinese coronavirus originating at the Chinese virology lab. The virus began infecting people in Wuhan city in late 2019, multiple studies have concluded; no evidence exists of prior infections by the virus anywhere else before those identified in Wuhan.

The Trump State Department published a fact sheet claiming, similarly, that several Wuhan researchers became ill in fall 2019, several weeks before Chinese officials confirmed the first coronavirus cases in the city, but the newly obtained intelligence report allegedly contains more details on the same topic. The WSJ did not publish the alleged report itself, merely paraphrasing it.

“The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both [Chinese coronavirus] and seasonal illnesses,” the January 15, 2021, State Department fact sheet said.

The alleged report disclosed by the WSJ on Sunday, claimed to be based in part on information “provided by an international partner,” specified that three WIV researchers became sick enough to require hospitalization in November 2019.

“The information that we had coming from the various sources was of exquisite quality. It was very precise. What it didn’t tell you was exactly why they got sick,” one of the WSJ’s anonymous sources said.

The WSJ quoted former State Department official David Asher observing in March that “three people in highly protected circumstances in a level three laboratory working on coronaviruses” simultaneously requiring hospitalization for a respiratory infection that had nothing to do with their work at the WIV seems like a very unlikely coincidence.

On the other hand, skeptics of the theory that the Chinese coronavirus leaked from the WIV say three hospitalizations does not constitute “smoking gun” proof, especially since people who get sick in China are allegedly prone to immediately seeking treatment at a hospital, given the nature of the communist-run healthcare system.

The WSJ noted that the Biden administration, while accusing its predecessor of attempting to “spin” the information, has not denied any of the information in the public fact sheet. The Biden State Department refused to comment on “purported intelligence matters” when Fox News asked about the WSJ report Monday.

The Chinese government initially declined comment, but then unleashed a string of attacks on the WSJ journal report through state media on Monday. The state-run Global Times quoted the director of a WIV program denouncing the “so-called U.S. intelligence report on sick staff at the Wuhan Institute of Virology” as an “outright lie that came from nowhere.”

“Those claims are groundless. The lab has not been aware of this situation [sick researchers in autumn 2019], and I don’t even know where such information came from,” Yuan Zhiming of the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan institute said.

The Global Times implied the disclosure of the U.S. intelligence report, and the growing credibility of the lab-leak hypothesis across the Western world, as a scurrilous attempt to manipulate the World Health Organization’s (W.H.O.) World Health Assembly meeting this week.

Another Global Times article on Monday quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian — infamous for spreading his own unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that the coronavirus came from an American bio-weapons lab — rejecting the WSJ report.
Zhao brought up his conspiracy theory again in the course of doing so:
There have been more reports indicating that the virus and epidemic had occurred in many places as early as the second half of 2019. Questions over the U.S. military lab in Fort Detrick as well as the U.S. real intention in opening more than 200 bio labs around the world have also drawn global attention.
“The U.S. continues to hype the lab leak theory. Is the real intention to express concern over the virus origin or to divert attention?” Zhao asked ominously. His sole evidence that the WSJ report could not be true was a statement issued by the WIV in March that none of its researchers contracted the coronavirus.

No evidence exists that any coronavirus cases originated in or around the U.S. Army research laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland, prior to the cases documented in Wuhan. Chinese officials have presented no authentic evidence to support their continued accusations against the Maryland facility.

The Global Times falsely claimed the joint Chinese-W.H.O. investigation in Wuhan this year concluded the lab leak theory was a “baseless argument from the beginning.” In truth, the W.H.O. team merely ranked various theories in order of “likelihood” and rated lab leak “least likely.” It did not address the potential of an intentional release of coronavirus from the laboratory.

W.H.O. immediately backed away from its own report when Beijing began trumpeting it as vindication, with Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus clarifying that no definite conclusions about the origin of the coronavirus could be drawn, and the lab leak theory merited “further investigation, potentially with additional missions.”

The growing energy around the lab leak hypothesis is due, in part, to scientists around the world questioning excessive Chinese political interference with the W.H.O. investigation. Some dismissed the report as an outright fraud, while others — like Tedros himself — noted the Chinese government simply refused to provide the raw data investigators needed.

Skeptical scientists have also noted the W.H.O.-China investigation was very light on evidence for the supposedly “most likely” explanation that the coronavirus developed naturally and was passed along to humans by either its progenitor species or an intermediary. The Chinese state should be very eager to provide evidence for the natural-origin theory, so the dearth of such data has raised suspicion.


On TB every waking moment

Someone is lying to us…
Posted by Kane on May 24, 2021 3:15 pm

There have been about 8.75 COVID deaths per 100,000 people in Japan compared with nearly 178 per 100,000 in the United States, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.


Veteran Member

Someone is lying to us…
Posted by Kane on May 24, 2021 3:15 pm
View attachment 268138

There have been about 8.75 COVID deaths per 100,000 people in Japan compared with nearly 178 per 100,000 in the United States, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
I don't understand what they are trying to say. I agree that we have been lied to about some things but just because the death rates are different from country to country does not mean anything sinister.
Different levels of care in hospitals, different drugs available (Hint: no outpatient drugs for Americans leads to higher American deaths, just sayin') Different levels of co-mordities (high rates of obesity and diabetes in USA)


On TB every waking moment

Michigan Residents Sick of Restrictions Saying They ‘Identify As Fully Vaccinated’
AP Photo/Jae C. Hong
AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

By Tré Goins-Phillips

Michiganders in one county are fed up with their state’s overly restrictive pandemic mandates, so they’re saying they “identify as fully vaccinated” in order to take advantage of a recent guidance stating inoculated people can stop wearing masks.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance a week and a half ago, stating people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can safely ditch their masks and stop socially distancing themselves.

As a result, some Luce County residents are fusing two issues: the new CDC guidance as well as the cultural push to embrace whatever gender or sexual expression with which a person chooses to identify.

Kerry Ott, a public information officer for the Luce, Mackinac, Alger, and Schoolcraft health department, told Michigan Radio there are “a lot of people using the phrase, ‘I identify as fully vaccinated,’ and taking their masks off.”

“I’m not kidding,” added Ott. “They’re not vaccinated, but they’re going to take their masks off.”

So far, 35% of Luce County residents are fully vaccinated, while around 40% have had at least one dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna inoculation. There are just over 6,600 people living in the county. Only three have died of COVID-19.

One business owner in Luce County, Raymond Mahaffey, who is vaccinated, said he is concerned the response to the virus has, in some ways, become more problematic than the illness itself.

He said he is confident it will “all work itself out” and is not worried.

“There is no reason [for these restrictions] a year later, with the numbers being so small [here],” Mahaffey argued. “[The restrictions have] been nothing but political. It’s been crazy. And we can’t wait to get it over with.”

As it stands right now, Whitmer’s administration has ordered no more than 15 people from a maximum of three houses meet together indoors. She has mandated they all wear masks through the duration of their time together, unless they are all fully vaccinated.

She has also capped outdoor residential gatherings to a total of 25 people.

Whitmer ordered restaurants can only allow a maximum of six people to eat together and must limit capacity to no more than 50% of total occupancy, or 100 people. In addition, she has placed an 11 p.m. curfew on all bars and restaurants.

Although she plans to begin slowly easing restrictions, Whitmer was caught recently ignoring her own restrictive rules. The governor was caught eating at a restaurant with at least nine other people, none of whom were wearing masks.


On TB every waking moment
31:28 min

Fauci Says COVID Lab Leak Possible, Media In FULL Panic Mode, Stealth Editing, Retracting "Debunks"

•May 24, 2021

Tim Pool

Fauci Says COVID Lab Leak Possible, Media In FULL Panic Mode, Stealth Editing, Retracting "Debunks." Media claimed Republicans, Tucker Carlson, and even other journalists were pushing debunked theories. Now as more news comes out about covid and the wuhan lab the idea of a lab leak has become mainstream.


On TB every waking moment

O’Keefe Strikes Again! Facebook Whistleblowers Leak Documents Detailing Effort to Secretly Censor Vaccine Concerns on Global Scale (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published May 24, 2021 at 8:40pm

O’Keefe strikes again!

Project Veritas on Monday released video of two Facebook insiders blowing the whistle on the social media giant’s effort to secretly censor Covid vaccine concerns on a global scale.

The documents obtained by Project Veritas show Facebook’s efforts to curb “vaccine hesitancy” or “VH” in comments.

One whistleblower told James O’Keefe that Facebook uses classifiers in their algorithms to determine certain content, to be what they call “vaccine hesitant” (screenshot below) without the users knowledge.


“They assign a score to these comments that’s called the VH score, the “vaccine hesitancy” score,” the whistleblower said. “And then based on that score will demote or leave the comment alone depending on the content within the comment.”

22:27 min


On TB every waking moment

America’s Frontline Doctors Sue the Federal Government to Prevent Forcing Experimental COVID Vaccines on US Children

By Joe Hoft
Published May 25, 2021 at 1:00pm

The courageous group of doctors, America’s Frontline Doctors, are suing the US Federal government for pushing COVID vaccines.

We’ve reported on this group before, once when they encouraged America’s airlines to remain free and not put COVID requirements on their passengers:


The doctors spoke out about COVID before as well:


Below is a pdf from America’s Frontline Doctors currently found on their site discussing – TEN MEDICAL FACTS REGARDING THE COVID-19 EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES:

AFLDS 10 Facts Experimental Vaccine Cole 4-12-21 by Jim Hoft on Scribd (Scribd doc on website)

A couple of days ago (on May 20), these courageous doctors sued the US federal government and asked for a temporary restraining order to prevent administering the COVID vaccines on children.
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama requesting a temporary restraining order against the emergency use authorization (EUA) permitting using the COVID-19 vaccines in children under the age of 16, and that no further expansion of the EUAs to children under the age of 16 be granted prior to the resolution of these issues at trial.

The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.
AFLDS Founder Dr. Simone Gold spoke about the reasons for filing the motion: “We doctors are pro-vaccine, but this is not a vaccine,” she said. “This is an experimental biological agent whose harms are well-documented (although suppressed and censored) and growing rapidly, and we will not support using America’s children as guinea pigs.”
Below is the motion:

AFLD Motion by Jim Hoft on Scribd (Scribd doc on website)


Thank God for these courageous and smart doctors who are willing to challenge what is being forced on our children.


On TB every waking moment

Is Wuhan University’s Animal Laboratory the Origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

By Joe Hoft
Published May 25, 2021 at 7:25am

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.

The COVID-19 virus was made in a laboratory in China and was part of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) biological warfare program.

That much is clear. The matter yet to be resolved is the manner of its release, whether accidental or deliberate.

There is growing evidence of a laboratory accident occurring in November 2019.

Although lacking confirmation, there remain persistent rumors of a deliberate release of the COVID-19 virus by the PLA, one scenario being at the 7th CISM Military World Games held in Wuhan from October 18–27, 2019.

In my May 20, 2021 Gateway Pundit article, I cited a source inside China claiming:

  1. A fully-formed or nearly fully-formed COVID-19 virus arrived at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command in the early months of 2019.
  2. Contrary to the popular narrative, the COVID-19 virus was sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology primarily for testing.
  3. The testing was assigned to a group of young virologists. The name of the leader of that group is known and the leader’s scientific background is consistent with that role.
  4. Testing was done on non-human primates.
There are two important points to remember regarding that information.

First, the PLA Eastern Theater Command, whose headquarters is in Nanjing, is the same entity, which isolated ZC45 and ZXC21, the bat coronaviruses Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yang says provided the backbone for the laboratory manufacture of the COVID-19 virus.

Second, the non-human primate tests, likely led by Wuhan Institute of Virology scientist Chao Shan, were probably not conducted in its Biosafety Level 4 laboratory in Jiangxia District, but at Wuhan University’s ABSL-3 animal laboratory in Wuchang District, the epicenter of the early outbreak.


Even the “Bat Woman” Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology said that the Jiangxia Biosafety Level 4 facility did not use non-human primates before the outbreak.

In addition, the presumed leader of the COVID-19 non-human primate experiments, Chao Shan, lists his professional address, not at the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory in Jiangxia, but at the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Biosafety Level 3 facility on Keji Road, close to Wuhan University’s ABSL-3 laboratory.

Additional evidence, some of which may be considered “smoking guns,” has now emerged supporting the contention that the COVID-19 virus might have been released from the Wuhan University’s ABSL-3 animal laboratory while conducting pathogenicity and transmissibility studies, perhaps infecting workers in that facility.

Although previously honored in 2016 as a Leading Talent of the National “Ten Thousand Talents Program,” on May 6, 2020, Hongliang Li was abruptly removed as Director of the Animal Experiment Center of Wuhan University and as the Director of the ABSL-3 laboratory of Wuhan University, according to the report:

“After investigation, no falsification was found, but many papers were found to have the misuse of images, reflecting a lack of rigorous processing of experimental data.”

Afterward, an extensive series of safety inspections of Wuhan University’s ABSL-3 laboratory were undertaken and new safety protocols were announced on August 24, 2020, specifically addressing coronavirus research.

There is other circumstantial evidence that something unusual happened at Wuhan University in November 2019.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic might have originated in the Wuhan University’s ABSL-3 animal laboratory. But is it the pandemic perpetrator or the scapegoat for a more nefarious PLA operation?

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. His email address is

(The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of COVID-19 detectives @ann95657173 and @TorontoFarmEN)


On TB every waking moment

NIH Director Francis Collins Confirms NIH Sent Funds to EcoHealth Alliance, Which Sent $600K to Wuhan Institute of Virology

By Melanie Arter | May 25, 2021 | 10:57am EDT

Security personnel stand guard outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan as members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus make a visit to the institute in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images)

Security personnel stand guard outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan as members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus make a visit to the institute in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images)

( - NIH Director Francis Collins confirmed Tuesday that that the National Institutes of Health approved $3.7 million in taxpayer funds to the non-profit group EcoHealth Alliance, which in turn sent $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is suspected to be the source of the coronavirus.

“One of the things that we have to do is to provide some oversight of the monies that have been appropriated to NIH, and for instance, this morning’s front page story in the Wall Street Journal is the Wuhan lab leak debate,” Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) said at a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing on NIH’s 2022 budget request.

“So this continues to be discussed, and I just would like Dr. Collins maybe just a couple of clarifications. I understand we did not directly fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but my understanding is we did send about $3.7 million in grants to EcoHealth Alliance, of which $600,000 went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to various studies there. Is that true?” Harris asked Collins.
COLLINS: That is correct. I’m gonna ask Dr. Fauci—

HARRIS: No, I only five minutes. I just need—that’s true, okay, so as I read it. That’s true. Do we know whether the Wuhan Institute of Virology does gain-of-function research?

COLLINS: They were not approved by NIH for doing gain-of-function research. We do not – and that’s the official government identification for that term by the way. We are of course not aware of other sources of funds or other activities they might have undertaken outside of what our approved grant allowed.

HARRIS: So we could have sent money-- through EcoHealth Alliance, money could have ended up in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which might be doing gain-of-function research, and in fact, since they sent a general of the Communist Party army to take over the lab in February 2020. It’s not out of the realm of possibility they’re doing that. Because I do know that money is somewhat fungible, once you send money to institutes, that it bothers me a little bit that we would send money to an institute that might be doing gain-of-function research, especially China. Do we send any money to any sub-agencies or sub-grantees that could be sending money to Russia?

COLLINS: I don’t know the specific answer to that. I think we have in the past, and I don’t know whether we currently do or not.

HARRIS: And we will submit it as a QFR, if you could get back to us about that.


On TB every waking moment

As New York prepares to fully reopen schools, Cuomo suggests vaccinations may be required
New York may consider mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for eligible students if the federal government gives Pfizer full approval.

By The Center Square Staff

By Steve Bittenbender
Updated: May 24, 2021 - 10:04pm

New York may consider mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for eligible students if the federal government gives Pfizer full approval, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday.

Currently, the Pfizer vaccine is being administered under the emergency-use approval the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave in December. That level of acceptance does not allow jurisdictions to make the vaccination a requirement.

Two weeks ago, Cuomo said the boards for State University of New York and City University of New York would require its students to get the vaccine if they wanted to attend in-person classes in the fall.

Cuomo told reporters that he understands requiring it would be controversial. He likened it to a move the state made a couple of years ago in requiring measles vaccinations after an outbreak.
“You have some people who never sent their child back to school because they were against the vaccine,” the governor said.

On May 7, Pfizer and its partner BioTech SE announced they were seeking full approval for people ages 16 and older.

Such a step requires the companies to submit months of data from the millions of vaccines its administered to federal officials for their review.

“We look forward to working with the FDA to complete this rolling submission and support their review, with the goal of securing full regulatory approval of the vaccine in the coming months,” Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla said in a statement earlier this month announcing the submission.

Just days after that announcement, the FDA extended Pfizer’s emergency-use authorization to include adolescents between ages 12 and 15.

The companies said they plan to file for final approval for that age group once the six months of requisite data is complied after the younger recipients get their second doses.

The vaccine issue arose as the governor received questions about New York City officials who said there would not be a virtual learning option available for the next school year, which starts in September.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said remote learning cannot accomplish everything families need from schools.

“We're doing it for our kids because it's the best way to educate our kids, support them academically, support them emotionally,” de Blasio told reporters. “We're doing it for them.
“But let me also talk about parents. I’ve talked to so many parents who have done their best to be at-home teachers. They've done their best to support their kids. They've done their best to juggle work and other obligations. They're ready for a break too.”

Cuomo said he plans on issuing a statewide policy before the new school year begins.

“We have to get back to school,” the governor said. “Upon the current trajectory, there is no reason why we can’t open schools statewide in September.”


On TB every waking moment

A nurse holds a syringe with a COVID-19 vaccine in New York City on Feb. 25, 2021. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)
A nurse holds a syringe with a COVID-19 vaccine in New York City on Feb. 25, 2021. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)

18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut

May 25, 2021 Updated: May 25, 2021

A single state has recorded 18 cases of myocarditis in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the cases in Connecticut required hospitalization.

Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford told reporters during a virtual press briefing on Monday that the cases have been “rare” and “mild.”

But she added later when asked how many of the patients were hospitalized, “All of the cases that were reported to us were individuals that were hospitalized, the vast majority for a couple of days.”

“One individual that we’re aware of is still hospitalized. The other 17 have been sent home and they’re doing fine,” she said.

No other state appears to have publicly reported concrete numbers of myocarditis, or heart inflammation, among those who got a COVID-19 vaccine after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it was investigating reports of the condition.

The Washington State Department of Health said in a statement on Monday that it was “aware of reports of a small number of cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in some patients, post-vaccination,” adding, “Further investigation is needed to determine if these cases are connected in any way to COVID-19 vaccines.”

Health care providers in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon have been notified about the issue so they are prepared to quickly identity symptoms if more cases occur.

Symptoms of myocarditis include chest pain, an abnormal heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
In a May 20 notification, the Oregon Health Authority told health care providers that there were at least six recorded cases of myocarditis in the state following vaccination, the Salem Statesman Journal reported. All six required hospital care.

The authority did not immediately return a request for comment.

The CDC’s vaccine safety work group announced last week that it was presented with myocarditis in persons who received shots produced by Moderna or Pfizer. The group said it concluded there “are relatively few reports of myocarditis to date” and that the cases predominately occur in adolescents and young adults within four days after vaccination.”

Most cases appear to be mild, the group added. Experts in the group were following up on the cases.

vaccine ohio A person receives a COVID-19 vaccine in Dayton, Ohio, on Feb. 10, 2021. (Megan Jelinger/AFP via Getty Images)

The group was collecting information in part from gleaning reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system that allows anybody to submit reports about adverse events following vaccination.

As of May 25, 155 reports have been submitted regarding myocarditis among people who received a COVID-19 jab.

Pfizer and Moderna have said they are aware of the reports.

Youth are largely at little risk of death or severe illness after getting infected with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19. But some experts are urging the young to get a shot to better protect those who are more vulnerable, including the elderly.

European regulators are also probing reports of post-vaccination myocarditis.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the CDC, told a virtual briefing last month that there was no link seen between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis after the Pentagon reported over a dozen cases among service members and their families.

The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association said in a joint statement on May 23 that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the “rare, possible risk of heart-related complications, including inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis.” The associations are still recommending all adults and kids over the age of 12 get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Over 77,000 children under the age of 12 have received at least one shot as of May 24, according to the CDC. Another 2.1 million between the ages of 12 and 15 have gotten at least one jab.

“Our health and medical experts still continue to convey that it is the right step for 12 to 15 year olds to get vaccinated, that these are limited cases,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Monday. “And that, obviously, the risks of contracting COVID are certainly significant, even for people of that age.”

Follow Zachary on Twitter: @zackstieber


Talk is cheap
Frontline doctors file motion to stop FDA authorization of COVID vaccines for children
With a ‘12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines’ and ‘statistically zero risk’ of children dying from COVID-19, plaintiffs argue there is no justification for such injections.
Fri May 21, 2021 - 4:22 pm EST

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, May 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — A group of parents, along with America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) and written by Thomas Renz, Esq., filed a motion in federal court seeking a temporary restraining order “to prevent the expansion of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 vaccines to include children under the age of 16,” according a statement released earlier today.

The motion was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama and is directed against Secretary Xavier Becerra and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It consists of numerous plaintiffs representing various interests and backgrounds, including “physicians and the parents of minor children who are alarmed about offering children experimental products that have not undergone long term animal or safety studies.”

“We’ve never seen this level of side effects for any vaccine without the FDA taking action,” stated Dr. Angelina Farella, AFLDS Pediatric Medical Director. “The Rotavirus vaccine was pulled for 15 cases of non-lethal side effects and the Swine Flu vaccine was pulled for 25 deaths. But now, by the CDC’s own data, we are seeing a 12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines and they’re still talking about giving this to our kids.”

“Our children should never be the experiment,” she continued. “No additional authorizations or mandates should be granted. We want to preserve the previously established safety standards.”

Dr. Farella also cited statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which confirms “children are at statistically zero risk for COVID-19, making expansion of the EUA for younger children medically unnecessary.”

The plaintiffs thus argue that “the defendants can make no science-based argument that preserving the status quo will create any hardship for them or for the public.”

As a matter of law, the petitioners contend that “the statistics alone make it impossible for the government to satisfy the balancing test required by federal statute (§ 360bbb–3(c)(2)(B)) as a condition to issuing EUAs for these experimental vaccines.”

As the motion itself reads, “EUA requires that an intervention address a serious or life- threatening condition, and for known and potential benefits of the intervention to be balanced against the known and potential harms.” Yet, the plaintiffs assert, “[t]here is not even a pretense of a factual basis that COVID-19 represents a serious or life-threatening condition for children under 16, since the CDC acknowledges they face 0% risk of mortality from COVID-19 statistically.”

Therefore, according to attorney Lowell H. Becraft, Jr., “[t]here is no public interest in subjecting children to an inoculation program, in order to protect them from a disease that simply does not threaten them.” Further, “since the DHHS Secretary has failed to make even the minimum statutory disclosures regarding risks and alternative treatments,” informed consent is not even possible for parents, while children are inherently incapable of such consent.

Statistics included by the plaintiffs to support their arguments include the following:
  • Under the age of 20, the survivability rate for COVID-19 is 99.997 percent.
  • More than 4,000 deaths that have been tied to the administering of COVID-19 vaccines in the last four months, as opposed to 1,500 total in the previous ten years for all vaccines.
  • Prior experimental vaccine rollout was stopped by the government when there were 25 unexplained deaths (deemed too high).
  • Researchers are concerned that spike proteins from the vaccines cause disease even without the virus, cross the blood-brain barrier, and could increase auto-immune disorders.
“I’ve done my research and know that there is essentially zero percent risk for young people dying of COVID-19 and fiercely oppose the use of an untested product that has not been fully approved for use in healthy children,” said plaintiff Matt Schweder, a parent of minor children.

“I am very concerned about the way the EUAs have been handled and I don’t believe particularly young people should be pressured by the government to start taking a vaccine like this where there are so many unknowns,” he concluded.
The plaintiffs affirm in the motion that their arguments will make clear to the court, “based on the law and well-founded scientific evidence, that: the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and pushing these injections on the American people.”

160+ experts slam COVID vaccines as ‘unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe’ in powerful letter

Frontline Doctors: Experimental vaccines are ‘not safer’ than COVID-19



Ultra MAGA!

Biden team shut down State Dept. inquiry probing possible lab link to COVID: report
Mark Lungariello

3-4 minutes

The Biden administration ended an inquiry into a possible connection between the origins of the novel coronavirus and a lab in Wuhan, a CNN report published Tuesday claims.

The State Department launched the previously-undisclosed inquiry last fall under President Trump – but the effort was shut down this spring because of “concerns about the quality of its work,” CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources.

Allies of Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State, were looking into the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic may have started in Wuhan Institute of Virology and not in nature, CNN reported.

But after the changeover in administrations, concerns were raised early in 2021 about draft findings of the probe shared with Biden’s team, CNN said.

The State Department confirmed to CNN that the inquiry had stopped but said it is continuing to work with other agencies on “COVID origins issues.”

Pompeo, now a Fox News contributor, told the network this week he believed the virus originated in a lab and that the China’s government was covering up.

“I am confident that we will find that the evidence that we have seen to date is consistent with a lab leak and I’m convinced that’s what we’ll see,” he said.

“If I am wrong, I hope the Chinese Communist Party will come forward and make a fool of me.”

The possibility that the pandemic started because of a laboratory accident has gained renewed interest after a Wall Street Journal report that said three workers at the Wuhan lab were hospitalized in November 2019 prior to the first reported cases of COVID-19.

Their symptoms were consistent with the virus but may have been other illnesses, according to analyses.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has also said he isn’t convinced COVID-19 developed naturally.

“I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability what happened,” said Fauci, Biden’s chief medical adviser
The State Department’s inquiry grew “contentious” last year as some questioned whether the investigation was part of a Trump administration effort to blame China for the outbreak, CNN said, citing sources.

CNN quoted one former State Department official as calling the work “suspicious as hell” and saying those leading the probe cut out technical experts.


On TB every waking moment

New Pfizer study: Four fifths of all vaccinated children aged 12 and over complain of side effects

Pfizer/BioNTech published a study on the safety and use of their vaccine last Wednesday. It refers to the current status of the vaccination studies in the context of emergency approval. Some 78,9 percent of the vaccinated children developed some form of side effect.

Published: May 26, 2021, 11:19 am

The pharmaceutical giant released a 37-page “fact sheet” of its product on 19 May on security and application republished by Report24. It refers to the current status of vaccination studies in the context of the emergency approval EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).

The US health authority CDC has confirmed that children and adolescents develop Covid-19 in an extremely mild manner, if at all. Also, children and adolescents from the age of 12 cannot make the decision about an injection alone. Despite this, children are being targeted. The study showed that up to 80 percent of children develop side effects that can lead to severe trauma.

The new “factsheet” showed that the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccination was tested on 1097 children and adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age. At least 866 out of 1097 children developed some form of unpleasant side effect. In 466 the side effects were described as “mild”, in 393 they were “moderate” and in 7 they were described as “severe”.

The study was set up as a double-blind study, one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. In addition to the 1127 children and adolescents injected with the first dose and 1097 with the second dose, 1127 and 1078 were injected with a saline solution as a placebo. The differences were remarkable: of the children vaccinated with the real vaccine, over five times as many complained of side effects within the first seven days.

In detail these were:

First vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (114)
Fatigue (677)
Headache (623)
Shivering (311)
Vomiting (31)
Diarrhea (90)
Muscle pain (272)
Joint pain (109)

Second vaccination
Fever over 38 degrees C (215)
Fatigue (726)
Headache (708)
Shivering (455)
Vomiting (29)
Diarrhea (65)
Muscle pain (355)
Joint pain (173)

Potentially fatal appendicitis is one of the potentially serious side effects that were seen more frequently in those injected with the product than in the comparison group.

The number of short-term serious side effects is given by Pfizer/BioNTech as 0,4 to 0,8 percent of those injected. Over the long term, these may increase. There are currently around 82 million people between the ages of 0 and 19 in the US. If all of these children and adolescents were to be vaccinated, between 330 000 to 660 000 recipients could be expected to have immediate severe side effects.

Nevertheless, the system media and health authorities are making children and their parents believe that they urgently need to be vaccinated with the experimental mRNA products.

2:20 min


Country exile in the city
(fair use applies)

Now deadly mystery Chinese virus crosses the ocean to Japan as World Health Organisation warns it could spread around the globe
By Terri-ann Williams For Mailonline
Published: 20:57 EST, 15 January 2020 | Updated: 21:16 EST, 15 January 2020

  1. Japanese health ministry today confirmed a man in his 30s has the disease
  2. The man is believed to have recently visited the Chinese city of Wuhan
  3. In Wuhan there's been an outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new virus

Japan has confirmed its first case of infection from the new China coronavirus, after the World Health Organization (WHO) warned hospitals around the world to prepare for the illness.

The health ministry in Japan today said that a man in his 30s close to Tokyo has tested positive for the disease.

It is believed the man, who originates from the Kanagawa prefecture had recently been to the Chinese city of Wuhan.

In Wuhan there has been an outbreak of pneumonia believed to be caused by the new coronavirus strain.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said the new virus could spread and has warned hospitals worldwide.

Scientists are baffled by the virus which has never been seen before. Tests have so far shown it is a type of coronavirus.

Forty-one cases have been contained in the Chinese city of Wuhan since December. One patient has died of the pneumonia caused by the virus.

However, the first identified case outside of the country in Thailand last week raised concerns the virus could cross borders.

The woman, a Chinese national who was on holiday in Thailand, triggered a step-up in surveillance at airports.

Although the virus was initially thought to be transmitted by animals, the WHO said there is now evidence of human-to-human transmission.

Earlier this week, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of WHO's emerging diseases unit, said it had given guidance to hospitals worldwide about infection control in case of spread.

This includes the potential of 'super spreading' in health care settings, which is when a few ill patients can transmit the virus to dozens at a time.

Discussing the potential spread of the virus, Dr Kerkhove said: 'This is something on our radar, it is possible, we need to prepare ourselves.'

Some hospitals in China, a tourist hotspot for some 595,000 British tourists each year, have already been directed to report cases of fever in anyone who has travelled to Wuhan in the past 14 days. The city is home to 11 million people.

Investigations have identified the respiratory disease as a new type of coronavirus, which cause cold-like symptoms including a runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat and a fever.

There has been some 'limited' human-to-human transmission of the virus, the WHO said. It has backtracked on its statement on January 12, when it said there was 'no evidence' of such.

The virus was largely speculated to have come from an animal, considering the majority of sickened people worked or visited a seafood market in Wuhan.

But since cases have cropped up without any exposure to the food market, there is reason to believe it can be transferred between humans.

The WHO added that cases have mainly been seen in small clusters among family members, but there is potential for wider spread.

A Chinese woman was quarantined in Thailand with the coronavirus, authorities said on Monday, the first time it has been detected outside China. She was able to return home on Wednesday in a stable condition.

The news came ahead of a flux of Chinese tourists to Thailand for Lunar New Year on January 25.

Other possible cases emerged up in 15 travellers who returned to Hong Kong and following visits to the city in Hubei province. One suspected case was also reported in Singapore.

It was feared the life-threatening SARS, a highly contagious virus, was behind the flurry of cases in Wuhan.

SARS killed hundreds of people in China and Hong Kong in the early 2000s. But no cases have been recorded in the world since 2004.

But SARS, bird flu, Middle East respiratory syndrome and adenovirus have now been ruled out following investigations, authorities have said.


December 31 2019:
The WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. Around 44 suspected cases were reported in the month of December.

January 1 2020: A seafood market was closed for environmental sanitation and disinfection after being closely linked with the patients.

January 5 2020: Doctors ruled out severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) as being the cause of the virus, as well as bird flu, Middle East respiratory syndrome and adenovirus. Meanwhile, Hong Kong reported

January 9 2020: A preliminary investigation identified the respiratory disease as a new type of coronavirus, Chinese state media reported.
Officials at Wuhan Municipal Health Commission reported the outbreak's first death on January 9, a 61-year-old man.

January 13 2020: A Chinese woman in Thailand was the first confirmed case of the mystery virus outside of China. The 61-year-old was quarantined on January 8, but has since returned home in a stable condition after having treatment, the Thai Health Ministry said.

January 14 2020: The WHO say there is some 'limited' human-to-human transmission of the virus. Two days previously, the UN agency said there was 'no clear evidence of human to human transmission'.

January 16 2020: A man in Tokyo is confirmed to have tested positive for the disease after travelling to the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Thanks for bumping this---but I could have SWORN that the first thread on the Wuhan flu started around OCTOBER 2019---not January 2020. I remember DELIBERATELY choosing NOT to read it because I wanted to enjoy my Christmas, and at that time thought it was just another SARS or virus-du-jour and just didn't want to hear it.

Am I remembering wrong, or wasn't there an earlier thread?


On TB every waking moment
10:23 min

Coronavirus Update 126: India, Japan, The Olympics, Mucormycosis

•May 26, 2021

MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY

Professor Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram with an update on India and black fungus, low vaccination in Japan, Treating COVID with hydrotherapy, and more. (This video was recorded on May 25, 2021). Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine.

TOPICS IN THIS VIDEO INCLUDE: 00:00 Updated global COVID-19 statistics - United States, Brazil, & India 01:51 Outbreak of mucormycosis (“black mold”) in India after COVID-19 infection 02:40 Why is mucormycosis happening in India but not other places? 04:30 Surge of COVID-19 in Japan, the host of the Olympics this summer 05:52 Low vaccination rates in Japan 07:08 Moderna applies for emergency-use authorization of COVID-19 vaccine for teens 07:24 New research and findings on the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19 08:41 Revisiting the use of hydrothermal therapy and treating fevers for COVID-19

LINKS / REFERENCES: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research (Our World in Data) | Hydrothermotherapy in prevention and treatment of mild to moderate cases of COVID-19 (Medical Hypotheses) | Exploring the rationale for thermotherapy in COVID-19 (International Journal of Hypothermia) | Tracking Coronavirus in India: Latest Map and Case Count (The New York Times) | Mucormycosis: The 'black fungus' maiming Covid patients in India (BBC) | Deconstructing black fungus: How mistakes in Covid treatment is leading to a new epidemic (India Today) | How to identify black fungus cases, what to do next? AIIMS issues new guidelines (India Today) | Japan’s Osaka city crumples under Covid-19 onslaught as doctors warn of a ‘system collapse’ (CNBC) | Japan opens mass vaccine centers 2 months before Olympics (The Associated Press) | A Randomized Trial of Convalescent Plasma in Covid-19 Severe Pneumonia (The New England Journal of Medicine) | All coronavirus updates are at (including more discussion on India COVID, vaccination rates, black fungus in India, mucormycosis symptoms, and more).


On TB every waking moment
6:17 min

The Mystery of "COVID Tongue" Explained

•May 25, 2021

Doctor Mike Hansen

What is the COVID tongue? COVID seems to be causing some people to have an extremely large tongue, called macroglossia.

Macroglossia is relatively rare but not unheard of. Certain chronic conditions can cause it, like amyloidosis. But it can also be caused by different types of angioedema. Angioedema is an area of swelling (edema) of the lower layer of skin and tissue under the skin or mucous membranes.

Mentioned Video: How COVID Kills Some People But Not

There is something called hereditary angioedema that occurs at a younger age. Then there’s something called acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency, usually at an older age. And there is also the well-known ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema. ACE inhibitor medications are most commonly given for patients with high blood pressure.

Over the last year or so, there has been a cluster of these macroglossia cases in Texas. Dr. James Melville has seen 9 of these cases in that timeframe because he gets these patients referred to him to so he can surgically reduce the size of their tongue. I don’t know all the details in these cases, but based on the media report, this is what we know: In all 9 cases, they were intubated. In 2 cases, they suffered strokes. In the other 7, they were hospitalized with COVID.

Understanding what is going on here helps to better understand a known medical condition called ACEi-induced angioedema. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are the leading cause of drug-induced angioedema in the United States because they are widely prescribed. Examples of these meds include lisinopril, captopril, ramipril, enalapril, and the like. So basically, if it ends in “pril,” it's an ACE inhibitor.

When angioedema occurs due to these medications, it most commonly causes swelling of the lips, tongue, or face. Hives, meaning urticaria, are notably absent. ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema occurs in 0.1 to 0.7% of those who receive these medications and is five times more likely to occur in African descent.

The swelling usually develops over minutes to hours, peaks, and then resolves over 24 to 72 hours, although complete resolution may take days in some cases. Swelling occurs due to elevated levels of bradykinin, a substance called des-Arg9-BK, and a substance called substance P. These substances cause the blood vessels to dilate, leading to swelling. When the body doesn’t break these down quick enough, you get the swelling.

When someone is taking an ACEI, the risk of this happening is slightly higher. So is it possible that these patients were given an ACEI? Yes, it's possible. Especially the ones who had strokes, because usually stroke patients have elevated blood pressures. But it's also possible that this was covid related.

For the two people who were not covid cases, maybe they had covid, and they didn’t know it. Maybe they had a false negative test because they were tested outside the window for the PCR test. So we just don’t know. But we know that 7 out of the 9 did have COVID.

And COVID binds to ACE2 receptors. And the tongue is lined with ACE2 receptors. And when the virus binds to the receptor, we know that it alters this pathway, affecting bradykinin levels. This is something I talked a lot about in this video…

Why are some people more prone to this? Again, it comes down to genetics. There are various genetic polymorphisms in certain enzymes called aminopeptidase P and neutral endopeptidase, which occur at a greater rate in African Americans. These polymorphisms lead to lower circulating levels of these enzymes responsible for degrading bradykinin and its active metabolite (des-Arg9-BK).

And it makes sense that the SARS-CoV-2 virus triggers this same mechanism. So COVID tongue looks like one more thing to add to the list of strange things that come with the disease. And one more reason to get the vaccine.

Doctor Mike Hansen, MD Internal Medicine | Pulmonary Disease | Critical Care Medicine Website: IG Account: FB Page: #covid #covid19 #coronavirus


On TB every waking moment
30:49 min

Fauci Faces FIRING As MASSIVE Scandal About To Erupt After Fauci Admits Funding Went To Wuhan Lab

•May 26, 2021

Tim Pool

MASSIVE Scandal About To Erupt As Fauci Admits Funding Went To Wuhan Lab, GOP DEAMNDS Fauci Be Fired. Dr. Fauci has consistently been wrong and flip flopped on the covid pandemic. Now after finally admitting US provided funding to the Wuhan Institute Republicans are demanding he be fired immediately. Lab leak hypothesis is gaining more and more traction and Trump may have ben right all along.


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“A Weaponized Operation” – General Flynn Blasts Biden Admin’s Efforts to Cover Up Origins of Covid (AUDIO)

By Cristina Laila
Published May 26, 2021 at 3:53pm

General Mike Flynn blasted the Biden Administration’s effort to cover up the origins of Covid-19 during an interview with Rose Unplugged on Wednesday.

The Wuhan lab leak theory is not really a theory anymore so the Biden Admin is working overtime to hide the truth about Covid-19.

The Biden State Department quietly ended an inquiry into the origins of Covid-19 and whether it leaked from the Wuhan lab.

On Wednesday, Biden ordered the intelligence community to “redouble their efforts to collect and analyze information that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion, and to report back to me in 90 days.”

General Flynn said his intuition is telling him that Covid was a weaponized operation by China.
“I believe something has happened,” Flynn said. “My intuition tells me….We’ve had over a year of people all over the world having to answer tough questions,” Flynn said Wednesday on 1320 AM WJAS.

“The people in this country are demanding answers. I believe we what we are going to find out is that this was a weaponized operation by Nation of China with some collaboration with other countries…”

Rumble video on website 17:20 min

Check out Rose Unplugged on WJAS 1320 AM – The Talk of Pittsburgh 1320 AM