POL Is the Flynn resignation a sting?

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
So this guy wrote this blog not only based on past NYT and WaPo columns, but on this guy THOMAS WICTOR.

I've been following Wictor on Twitter since before the election. He is very knowledgeable of politics, our laws and history. During the election when people were freaking out about whether Hillary would steal the election, Wictor was not only a voice of calm but of knowledge. So far, 95% of what Wictor has espoused/predicted has come to fruition.

Did you know you can read someone tweets without belonging to Twitter? Just add their twitter page to your favorites....then check in on them a few times a day. Here is wictor's twitter page https://twitter.com/ThomasWictor

So in the last 72 hours when this hysteria about Flynn, Russia, and investigations came out, I would read Wictor's tweets which would keep me calm. I guess many people are reading Mr. Wictor's tweets, enough so that this guy blogged about Wictor's revelation that Trump's installing Flynn was all about a *sting* Trump set up. I guess tell time will is this bears out but in the meantime, enjoy a fascinating read.

Fair use.

February 15, 2017 by mrbiggs
Is the Flynn resignation a sting?

As I’ve said before, I’m generally not into the day to day political gossip. Especially when the mainstream press cries impeachment wolf for the countless time. So when I heard of Flynn’s resignation I initially shrugged my shoulders.

But I also take a Trump victory seriously, and I take his pledge to #draintheswamp seriously. There’s lots of slimy things in the swamp that don’t want their precious habitat destroyed, and they fight back.

So when my friend Thomas Wictor started talking about how the Flynn resignation was a sting, I started paying attention. This could very well be phase I of Trump’s plan to drain the swamp. And an indication of just how serious Trump is about commmitting to his campaign promises.

Thomas’s theory was strung along in 20 tweets. I’ve compiled them in edited form for you below. Oh, and he does some great military and foreign policy research. You should check him out.

“Let’s say a person wants to hire a killer to bump off a spouse. They ask Mikey the Biker. Mikey goes to the cops. A police officer poses as a killer for hire. He asks the person 900 times if they REALLY want to kill the spouse. The cops says, “Let’s be clear: You want this person dead, right? You want me to shoot him in the head, right?”

It was clear that the CIA was telling the media stories about Flynn having inappropriate connections to Russia. Now, imagine Trump as a cop playing a killer for hire. He began ASKING THE CIA IF IT REALLY WANTED TO DO THIS.

January 11: Trump announces that he pulled a sting operation and identified intelligence official who leaked information. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issues a statement opposing leaks.

January 23: The OBAMA FBI CLEARS FLYNN OF WRONGDOING in his conversation with the Russian ambassador.

Now, the murderous spouse goes ahead and tries to hire the killer.

Acting Attorney General Sally Yates warns the Trump administration that Flynn might be subject to blackmail by Russia. Yates bases her warning ON A TRANSCRIPT. She’s the first murderous spouse caught in the sting. She was fired January 31 for refusing to enforce the travel ban.

February 9: The New York times and Washington Post claim that Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador. The articles are crap. They contradict themselves. This is from the Post.



If those intelligence officials have firsthand knowledge, why can’t they tell us a straight story?

New York Times. Again, total confusion about what was said.



Posted on February 15, 2017 by mrbiggs
Is the Flynn resignation a sting?

As I’ve said before, I’m generally not into the day to day political gossip. Especially when the mainstream press cries impeachment wolf for the countless time. So when I heard of Flynn’s resignation I initially shrugged my shoulders.

But I also take a Trump victory seriously, and I take his pledge to #draintheswamp seriously. There’s lots of slimy things in the swamp that don’t want their precious habitat destroyed, and they fight back.

So when my friend Thomas Wictor started talking about how the Flynn resignation was a sting, I started paying attention. This could very well be phase I of Trump’s plan to drain the swamp. And an indication of just how serious Trump is about commmitting to his campaign promises.

Thomas’s theory was strung along in 20 tweets. I’ve compiled them in edited form for you below. Oh, and he does some great military and foreign policy research. You should check him out.

“Let’s say a person wants to hire a killer to bump off a spouse. They ask Mikey the Biker. Mikey goes to the cops. A police officer poses as a killer for hire. He asks the person 900 times if they REALLY want to kill the spouse. The cops says, “Let’s be clear: You want this person dead, right? You want me to shoot him in the head, right?”

It was clear that the CIA was telling the media stories about Flynn having inappropriate connections to Russia. Now, imagine Trump as a cop playing a killer for hire. He began ASKING THE CIA IF IT REALLY WANTED TO DO THIS.

January 11: Trump announces that he pulled a sting operation and identified intelligence official who leaked information. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issues a statement opposing leaks.

January 23: The OBAMA FBI CLEARS FLYNN OF WRONGDOING in his conversation with the Russian ambassador.

Now, the murderous spouse goes ahead and tries to hire the killer.

Acting Attorney General Sally Yates warns the Trump administration that Flynn might be subject to blackmail by Russia. Yates bases her warning ON A TRANSCRIPT. She’s the first murderous spouse caught in the sting. She was fired January 31 for refusing to enforce the travel ban.

February 9: The New York times and Washington Post claim that Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador. The articles are crap. They contradict themselves. This is from the Post.

If those intelligence officials have firsthand knowledge, why can’t they tell us a straight story?

New York Times. Again, total confusion about what was said.

Finally, the proof that this was a sting: FLYNN KNEW HE WAS BEING RECORDED. From the Times.


Trump warned, Clapper warned, and the FBI warned, but the CIA went ahead and leaked ANYWAY. Trump, Flynn, Clapper, and he FBI set up the CIA. And now the CIA gets to have its peepee whacked REALLY HARD. Right now a bunch of fat drunks are making deals with the feds to keep out of prison.

Why would Trump be impeached? You have to commit a crime to be impeached. Stop being silly. The end.”



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Fed employees know that to keep working there, when an administration is strongly ideological - they have to say the right things and be willing to do what is asked of them. Regardless of how they really feel... or how they are registered to vote. These are the people that don't deserve to be pink-slipped. They'll put up and shut up and color inside the lines.

But the "true believers", the Obamabots... who are being used and are too kool-aided out to know it... hide among the crowd of people in the first example. They consider themselves part of this mythical (and anti-american) resistance. How to tell which is which? Without going on a "witch-hunt"? (sorry, couldn't help myself)

This scenario seems plausible to me. Because the libby-dippy claims of Flynn breaking the law always seemed a real stretch to me - especially remembering Hillary & Sidney Blumenthal. So what if they discussed sanctions? As long as he didn't make any promises, THAT'S WHAT YOU WOULD EXPECT a person slated for that position to do.

The libby-dippy's need to remember that what goes around, comes around.


Could be. A con on the Neo-Cons. I would like to believe it. To borrow Occams Razor it is too plain that someone of Flynn's stature could and would get caught lying especially when the Obamanites/Bushies/Klintons were gunning full throttle for him and Trump.

There were and are bigger implications to all of this especially on foreign matters. I think Trump and Flynn caught the Traitors working with the ChiComs and others to spy and thwart US security and policy.

If I can figure that out then people with Intel and smarts can.....

almost ready

Thomas Wictor ‏@ThomasWictor 11h11 hours ago

Thomas Wictor Retweeted Tracy Lavelle

Director of National Intelligence gave different versions of the story to different people. Each leaker could be identified by the story.

(from the link above)

BTW, Flynn is former director of the DIA. No way was he "caught flat-footed".

That it was a "tarp" was in the first stuff I read about this'. A misspelling of Ackbar in Star Wars Episode VI.

makes sense


Lame Cherry's latest post is about the bugging of the WH by Obama and RINO's to effect another Watergate against Trump.

Problem is only a moron would not been concerned the Obama did not bug the shit out of the WH.

Trump is no moron. Secondly ask yourself why Melania does not want to stay there?

She like Trump has a very high IQ and she does not want to be eavesdropped on or spied on during her intimate moments and conversations with her husband.....

Furthermore why did Trump take Abe to the Mar-a-Lago for a much more secure setting which drove the ChiComs and NEOCONS batshit i.e. Chaffetz demanding to know what was said and done along with the ChiCom South Asia Morning Post and sneaking in a freelance reporter for Politico and the NYT who did the story for the ChiComs and then there is that Plant who Facebooked like a spy him standing with the black guy who has the football and then Abe and his team looking at breaking news online about the NK missile test.....

The mocky birds are every where working for the nefarious elements Trump is fighting.

Sting he will... In my best Yoda voice...
Lame Cherry's latest post is about the bugging of the WH by Obama and RINO's to effect another Watergate against Trump.

Problem is only a moron would not been concerned the Obama did not bug the shit out of the WH.

Trump is no moron. Secondly ask yourself why Melania does not want to stay there?

She like Trump has a very high IQ and she does not want to be eavesdropped on or spied on during her intimate moments and conversations with her husband.....

Furthermore why did Trump take Abe to the Mar-a-Lago for a much more secure setting which drove the ChiComs and NEOCONS batshit i.e. Chaffetz demanding to know what was said and done along with the ChiCom South Asia Morning Post and sneaking in a freelance reporter for Politico and the NYT who did the story for the ChiComs and then there is that Plant who Facebooked like a spy him standing with the black guy who has the football and then Abe and his team looking at breaking news online about the NK missile test.....

The mocky birds are every where working for the nefarious elements Trump is fighting.

Sting he will... In my best Yoda voice...

Can't find anything to disagree with, in your comments.


Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Lame Cherry's latest post is about the bugging of the WH by Obama and RINO's to effect another Watergate against Trump.

Problem is only a moron would not been concerned the Obama did not bug the shit out of the WH.

Trump is no moron. Secondly ask yourself why Melania does not want to stay there?

She like Trump has a very high IQ and she does not want to be eavesdropped on or spied on during her intimate moments and conversations with her husband.....

Furthermore why did Trump take Abe to the Mar-a-Lago for a much more secure setting which drove the ChiComs and NEOCONS batshit i.e. Chaffetz demanding to know what was said and done along with the ChiCom South Asia Morning Post and sneaking in a freelance reporter for Politico and the NYT who did the story for the ChiComs and then there is that Plant who Facebooked like a spy him standing with the black guy who has the football and then Abe and his team looking at breaking news online about the NK missile test.....

The mocky birds are every where working for the nefarious elements Trump is fighting.

Sting he will... In my best Yoda voice...

Right after his inauguration I posted in some thread I KNEW Barry would bug the WH.


The Deranged left has concocted this narrative that Trump is insane and stupid because they can't allow themselves for a moment to think he may actually be right or know what he is doing...

The NEOCONS and Globalists know he is sane and formidable but they pump the village idiots full of the nonsense above.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
The Deranged left has concocted this narrative that Trump is insane and stupid because they can't allow themselves for a moment to think he may actually be right or know what he is doing...

The NEOCONS and Globalists know he is sane and formidable but they pump the village idiots full of the nonsense above.

Hey Seabear, have you ever noticed what the libs truly are (inside) are they SAME memes they throw at conservatives?

It reminds me of a saying in 2nd grade when someone would call you a name and you'd reply, "I know you are but what am I?" Maybe that needs to be our response to the libs every time they trying to sling a hateful label. Juvenile, I know, but then again you have to engage on their level.


M. Scott Peck M.D. and Psychiatrist in his book "People of the Lie" said several things in a scholarly way that stuck with me from almost 30 years ago:

1) Inveterate lying, people are often demon possessed.

2) They have to try and maintain a sense of propriety, or in essence make people think they are the polar opposite of the evil POS they really are beneath the veil.

3) They often project what they are guilty of onto others.


Veteran Member
Hey Seabear, have you ever noticed what the libs truly are (inside) are they SAME memes they throw at conservatives?

It reminds me of a saying in 2nd grade when someone would call you a name and you'd reply, "I know you are but what am I?" Maybe that needs to be our response to the libs every time they trying to sling a hateful label. Juvenile, I know, but then again you have to engage on their level.

And remember there's always the less elegant version: "I'm rubber, you're glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you." ;)