CNN: Assassinating Trump Could Keep Obama Administration in Power

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CNN: Assassinating Trump Could Keep Obama Administration in Power

Disaster Wolf Blitzer (Screen shot / CNN / YouTube)
Screen shot / CNN / YouTube

by Warner Todd Huston18 Jan 201712,719

As the nation prepares for the peaceful transfer of power on Inauguration Day, CNN is dreaming up scenarios whereby the Obama administration can keep power if President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence were blown up as they prepared to take to oath of office.

On the Wednesday, January 18 broadcast of CNN’s The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer aired a segment with a chyron featuring the headline “Developing Now.” During that “developing” segment, Blitzer and correspondent Brian Todd discussed what would happen if the unthinkable occurred on January 20.

Blitzer introduced the segment, saying, “What if an incoming president and his immediate successors were wiped out on day one?” and from there, CNN contributor Brian Todd took over to outline the line of succession if an attack blew up the inaugural dais, killing both Trump and Pence.

The upshot was that in the case of both heads of state being killed, the Secretary of State would take over. Currently that man is Secretary of State John Kerry, But in case some objected because his office would also end as of noon on Inauguration Day, then it would be the Speaker of the House — Republican Paul Ryan — or even Obama’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs Tom Shannon.

The report also noted that the designated survivor appointed by the Obama administration could also become president in the case of a disaster. So, in CNN’s analysis, most of the people who would take over in the worst-case scenario would keep the Obama administration in power, at least indirectly.

So while most of the country is looking to enjoy the day’s events and waiting expectantly to hear what our new president will have to say for his first address as our leader, CNN is wondering what will happen if he is assassinated.

Perhaps CNN is still stuck in anger, the second stage of grief.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The upshot was that in the case of both heads of state being killed, the Secretary of State would take over.

Um, no. The Speaker of the House would take over.


Veteran Member
Line of succession (as others have pointed out):


Vice President

Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan)

President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Orin Hatch)


Veteran Member

I can't believe it.

Yes! I watched it yesterday & I looked at my son and said are you hearing this?! Both of us just sat there in disbelief hearing them play out this 'what if' scenario that if Trump didn't make it to be sworn in, who would be the one to take his place


Veteran Member
The upshot was that in the case of both heads of state being killed, the Secretary of State would take over.

Um, no. The Speaker of the House would take over.

The proposed situation was what would happen if Trump, Pence and congressional leaders were killed at the inauguration. they were playing off of a "Designated Survivor" (tv show) type situation where everyone in government dies. Alrhough I think in Designated Survivor it was a state of the union speech. Cnn even used scenes from the TV show during their discussion!


Membership Revoked
Less than one day left of this bullsh!t that Obama is going to stay president forever. I'm so sick of this. Actually, if they were blown up, I think Michele would be president. Right? That's what the constitution says.

Britt knows better. I think....


Veteran Member
I would so love to see CNN be denied a press pass to the White House Press Corps.

Ben Sunday

Line of succession (as others have pointed out):


Vice President

Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan)

President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Orin Hatch)

Quite useful that someone finally posted this information. It provides for an orderly transition of power, in descending order, of familiar, well vetted Cabinet level officers to take the reins of power in the event of a tragedy.

Once more for the road: Obama has NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION for remaining in office beyond January 20th at 12:01pm.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
DO they undo the straps on Wolf's custom made sports coat (the one with the LOOOOOONG sleeves) and wheel him out daily???


Veteran Member
In inaugural disaster, an odd succession quirk

While security is in place and there is no specific, credible threat, a quirk in America's rules for succession raises questions about who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president, vice president and congressional leaders just as the transfer of power gets underway. CNN's Brian Todd reports.Source: CNN

Link to video:


On TB every waking moment
Line of succession (as others have pointed out):


Vice President

Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan)

President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Orin Hatch)

Quite useful that someone finally posted this information. It provides for an orderly transition of power, in descending order, of familiar, well vetted Cabinet level officers to take the reins of power in the event of a tragedy.

Once more for the road: Obama has NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION for remaining in office beyond January 20th at 12:01pm.

Heck, the "Cold War" continuity of government (CoG) planning had (and probably still does) the succession down to surviving governor, state legistlator, and county elected official if it came down to it.


Veteran Member
Killing trump and altering the results of the election (which was free, fair and honest) and, thus, altering the will of the majority of the American people, is a bridge that the left does NOT want to cross. Hopefully, no one is that stupid.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
NONE of 0bunghole's people has credentials to serve ONE SECOND after 12 pm EST, regardless of who might get blown up. Any 0bunghole "designated survivor" is done at that same instant.


Ben Sunday

Here is the regular list...assuming both President and Vice President were out of the picture.

Speaker of the House of Representatives
President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security


Neither here nor there.
First order of business...Trump needs to have the FCC shut down CNN.

That's a technique Stalin would use. Nope publicly shame them for their inappropriate remarks and then suggest to the public that if they think it's wrong they should boycott CNN until they make some substantial changes!


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Assassinating Trump would start a REAL - NO SHIT - CIVIL WAR!!!!

The liberals had their friggen 8 years of Barry. All to the entire country's detriment! And if TPTB think they can usher in some UN or NATO troops to calm down this pending fire storm they will just be more meat for the meat grinder!! Bring it on bubba!! It will be OPEN SEASON with NO BAG LIMIT on any foreign troops on American soil. Yeah Buddy!

An as far as all these protesting snoflakes threatening REAL AMERICANS....we'll stomp a mud hole in your back side so big we could drive an Aircraft Carrier and it's entire support armada through it.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Um, they just arrested one of Hillary Clinton's buddies down in Florida for making death threats against Trump on Twitter. So, inquiring minds would like to know, WHY IS WOLF BLITZER NOT DOING A PERP WALK FOR THREATENING THE PRESIDENT ELECT'S LIFE?

Oh, wait, Wolf is a journalist! Sheesh, if anything really does happen, or tries to happen, old Wolf should just be taken out and shot.


TB Fanatic
CNN is the finest example of yellow journalism I've ever seen. This Trump supporter hopes to run across a CNN reporter tomorrow on the mall. That way I can spit in his or her face. Or throat punch him-as the protesters tomorrow want to do to us Trump supporters.

I cut CNN from our cable service months ago, my blood pressure lowered accordingly.

This does bring up a rather interesting point though; are Paul Ryan and Orrin Hatch actually sitting out the inaugural tomorrow? I don't see that happening but one wonders who's going to be hanging out at Mount Weather tomorrow watching the inaugural on TV.


Membership Revoked
In inaugural disaster, an odd succession quirk

While security is in place and there is no specific, credible threat, a quirk in America's rules for succession raises questions about who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president, vice president and congressional leaders just as the transfer of power gets underway. CNN's Brian Todd reports.Source: CNN

Link to video:

There is no confusion about who would take power.... except by those at CNN.


Certa Bonum Certamen

I can't believe it.

I can, I sure as hell can believe it.

These people are SCARED TO DEATH of Donald John Trump. SCARED SHITLESS.

They are so out of their mind scared they are willing to do and say stupid, inflammatory stuff like this. Never in a million years would they have even hinted about this with any other candidate. Because the other candidates weren't the threat that Donald Trump is.

That ought to be what's known as a "clue" for the dullards and morons who think this is "all staged".

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
It seems to me that obunghole and the moocher are at the Inauguration standing by as the new President is sworn in. I think it is protocol. Could be wrong especially with my mind.

In any event my pigs wouldn't touch Blitzer he is that toxic and so are the rest of CNN. They really don't want to go there as they will more than likely do the Mussolini swing.


Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
Here is the regular list...assuming both President and Vice President were out of the picture.

Speaker of the House of Representatives
President Pro Tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security

If the speaker of the house and senate protem don't survive, the question would then be: would it be the current secretary of state or the secretary of state nominated but not in place yet. You can bet the Dems would file lawsuits saying it would be the current SOS Kerry. Then it would go to the supreme court that is 4-4 lib-cons.


Veteran Member
Trump needs to change his plans at the last minute and move it in doors. Set up a quick closed circ tv and have it beamed to the jumbo Trons. We all would understand and not blame him a bit.

I just listened to a you tube today that the guy said trump had sent Putin an emergency message that he felt his life had credible threats against it and if he made it then all the build up on the Russian borders would be looked into.

I didn't post it because the guy was still trying to vette the info and would post again later if he could.

It's and Israeli or Jewish self news you tube guy.


Membership Revoked
If the speaker of the house and senate protem don't survive, the question would then be: would it be the current secretary of state or the secretary of state nominated but not in place yet. You can bet the Dems would file lawsuits saying it would be the current SOS Kerry. Then it would go to the supreme court that is 4-4 lib-cons.

Good question. I think the answer can be found in who will be SoS tomorrow if there is no need for this. Or for that matter, who will be SoS on Monday morning? I don't think it will be Kerry. But I don't know....


Veteran Member
CNN are the big pot of tar that is brushing all of the Fake Stream Media.

Leaving them carry on with their self destruction, to me anyway, is the best Policy.

It's a bit like the question in WW2, of whether to assassinate Adolf Hitler, or not.

It quickly became determined, that the greatest damage that could be done to the German war effort, was to keep Hitler alive.

The Fake Stream Media as a whole have done a wonderful job of digging themselves a hole, and the more they are messing up, the faster, and deeper, they dig. :)

They are now so done, they can be taken off the BBQ.


Veteran Member
Well, it's not like the subject isn't one everybody has talked about anyway. Nonetheless, maybe we should take a little lesson from Merry Olde England, even though Trump is not a king...

"To compass or imagine" the death of the king is to commit treason, whether or not a concrete action ensues, and the evidence of words spoken or written is subordinate to (although clearly contributory to) a determination."

I have no idea whether that law is still on the books over there.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Lou Dobbs is covering this atrocity right now, shining a light on CNN! Person Dobbs is interviewing saying Wolf Blitzer wouldn't have brought this up on his own, that this discussion had to come from the top... JEFF ZUCKER! Zucker had to have given approval for this.


On TB every waking moment
They should have an informal swearing in first thing and then the ceremonial.