ECON California Restaurants Forced To Cut Jobs As Newsom’s Minimum Wage Hike Looms


Veteran Member
Because then Newscum would have to pay the workers at the restaurant HE owns more than the $16 he pays now! HOW in HELL anyone in that state full of morons can vote for that Con man is beyond me!

that's what I had read as well
it must be nice to be the king-----do as I say not as I do

IMO it is beyond disgusting and more into the criminal range


Senior Member

Maybe you oughta ask for a raise then?
As for Buc-eyes…I had their chipped brisket sandwich/burger and it was delicious…it cost $9.99 and the three meat sandwich/burger was $11.99 (husband got it) and loved it. The stores are immaculately clean, especially the restrooms and all the cashiers are friendly and helpful. Note…their fudge is also to die many types/flavors. Now, we only stop when we are traveling, usually on vacation or going to get the grands…our bill was $59.00 but that was lunch, dessert, and homade potato chips and jerky, Buc-ees puffs, and a chicken salad croissant for lunch the following day. Not a bargain but it was a lot of food and snacks.


Veteran Member
As for Buc-eyes…I had their chipped brisket sandwich/burger and it was delicious…it cost $9.99 and the three meat sandwich/burger was $11.99 (husband got it) and loved it. The stores are immaculately clean, especially the restrooms and all the cashiers are friendly and helpful. Note…their fudge is also to die many types/flavors. Now, we only stop when we are traveling, usually on vacation or going to get the grands…our bill was $59.00 but that was lunch, dessert, and homade potato chips and jerky, Buc-ees puffs, and a chicken salad croissant for lunch the following day. Not a bargain but it was a lot of food and snacks.
Also my last dozen button down shirts I bought ten of them from there. Columbia and HUK.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
A Costco is opening up by my house so $1.50 hotdog and soda will be my main go to.
Probably wouldn't be a go for me, unless I was back to the single PB&J for lunch (like in the good old days).

We buy a pack of hotdogs (8) SB gets 2 (her choice all I am is clean up) I get the other 6 with chili, onions and mustard. All up in my eyebrows and running down my fingers. And chips, and water.

One hotdog ain't worth wetting my lips over.

We also get the party pack of 15 Tacos at Taco Bell. One for each of us. But will admit, there are a couple left over for lunch the next day.

I'm glad I don't live in CA, more PB&J Drill SGT.


Senior Member
Also my last dozen button down shirts I bought ten of them from there. Columbia and HUK.
lol…my youngest (the “label-whore” his own made up nickname) was in too big of a rush to get to the outlet mall…to go to those exact stores and the sunglass outlet. I love to browse n shop there at Buc-ees also.

He buys quality and is willing to pay for it…he takes care of them…he’s still wearing dress shirts he got as a junior in high school and he has graduated approx 7 to 8 years old and they look brand new. I made the mistake of asking him what he wanted for college graduation…Tecova boots (yikes) then looked at the boots he was wearing and realized we got them for him the summer between his freshman and sophomore year of high school. Turned out he had an online discount and the store was running a sale. We went in and tried the ones on he wanted and the store ordered them for him online, I paid at the store and they were delivered to the house in three days…yep, lol, told y’all he was born an “old man”.


Veteran Member
lol…my youngest (the “label-whore” his own made up nickname) was in too big of a rush to get to the outlet mall…to go to those exact stores and the sunglass outlet. I love to browse n shop there at Buc-ees also.

He buys quality and is willing to pay for it…he takes care of them…he’s still wearing dress shirts he got as a junior in high school and he has graduated approx 7 to 8 years old and they look brand new. I made the mistake of asking him what he wanted for college graduation…Tecova boots (yikes) then looked at the boots he was wearing and realized we got them for him the summer between his freshman and sophomore year of high school. Turned out he had an online discount and the store was running a sale. We went in and tried the ones on he wanted and the store ordered them for him online, I paid at the store and they were delivered to the house in three days…yep, lol, told y’all he was born an “old man”.
Label whoring is a good thing, if done right. Them boots might have been expensive but they sure hold up.


Veteran Member
Label whoring is a good thing, if done right. Them boots might have been expensive but they sure hold up.
I'm still wearing the pair of Frye boots I bought in college 45 years ago. Take care of well made boots in good leather, and they'll last a lifetime.

Back on topic - a friend invited me to Applebee's. Dinner for two (chicken caesar salad, French onion soup, a burger and fries) came to $31.00, and I had part of the salad left over for lunch the next day. I don't go out often, so it didn't seem too bad, but this is Delaware, and some of our up and coming legislation is California light. I'm just waiting for our minimum wage to head Cali-ward as well.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
The big corporations can sell at a loss to remove the weaker competition. Which is about all other competition within their class of fast food.

Robots are perfect for such work, no argument here. Look at what serves you now at many of these burger joints. Easy peasy to build such a franchise, and continue to improve on it. Plug and play.

It's like going to self checkout with three items and you get out quickly, again, no idiot cashier.

The big guys have the go signal on the smaller one's. This coming depression and tribulation will wipe the slates clean of the small players. The state will own them all, no matter the fewer choices and depreciation in quality of life aspects to all this.


Veteran Member
It's like going to self checkout with three items and you get out quickly, again, no idiot cashier.

They're going away again...

Because people decided if I have to wander around the store and find stuff, drag my things over the scanner myself, bag it and drag it to my car myself, I'mma get me a nice employee discount.


Well I've been saying that the private sectors will someday start to lose all forms of the labor market by mandate.

But of course the MSM and the government will blame capitalism. And the idiot voters will lick it up. Especially the 25 million plus government employees and their loved ones. And especially most of the 25 million people that use government assistance or safety nets. Then we can't forget about the million or so farmers, ranchers and businesses that get government subsidies. Including private enterprises that recieve rent subsidies to the poor, poor...

Probably close to 75 million plus people are some how enriched by the government rather local or federal.

Should just outlaw profit made in the private sectors, and let governments run everything.


Senior Member
Label whoring is a good thing, if done right. Them boots might have been expensive but they sure hold up.
I agree totally…just had a little sticker shock. He laughed and said, “Mom, I could have picked Lucchese boots”… um no…mama wasn’t footing that bill.


Finally not a lurker!
I think every human being should learn basic cooking skills.
Being an absolute sucker for the 'As Seen on TV!' kitchen gadgets, I've found that most of them do work fairly well IF a person reads the directions (which I always do on everything, of course). Most of them operate on a 'fire and forget' principle too, just a little prep time required. While I realize people are busy there is no excuse for fast food or microwave every night. The savings can be significant over a fairly short period of time.


Being an absolute sucker for the 'As Seen on TV!' kitchen gadgets, I've found that most of them do work fairly well IF a person reads the directions (which I always do on everything, of course). Most of them operate on a 'fire and forget' principle too, just a little prep time required. While I realize people are busy there is no excuse for fast food or microwave every night. The savings can be significant over a fairly short period of time.
You read all of the instructions every time?

I usually read the instructions, but usually after it don't work or work right. Only way for a knuckle dragger metal worker.

Have a sign in my shop...

Extra parts is proof you made it better!



Veteran Member
California Restaurants Forced To Cut Jobs As Newsom’s Minimum Wage Hike Looms

Restaurant owners in California are resorting to laying off employees in preparation for a minimum wage hike for fast food workers, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill in 2022 that empowers a state-appointed council to set wages, working conditions and training standards for fast food restaurants. Businesses, particularly pizza joints that employ delivery drivers who can be replaced by outside services, are cutting employees in response to the state’s plan to hike its hourly minimum wage for fast food workers from $16 to $20 beginning April 1, according to the WSJ.

Franchise owners of Pizza Hut and Round Table Pizza have already reported to the state that they will be laying off around 1,280 delivery drivers this year in preparation for the wage hike, according to the WSJ.

“This is the reality of today’s restaurants,” a spokeswoman for Fat Brands, owner of Round Table Pizza locations in California, told the WSJ. “Operators are doing their best to retain staff and keep doors open.”

California had 726,000 fast food workers as of January, which is down 1.3% from last September, while total private employment fell 0.2% in that same time, according to the WSJ. Some California restaurants are turning to automation to adjust to the increase in the cost of labor, such as El Pollo Loco, which told investors that it would be automating some of the process for its salsa-making.

The wage hike has been embroiled in controversy due to an exemption in the law that permits chains that bake and sell stand-alone bread as a menu item, such as Panera, to not raise pay. Greg Flynn owns two dozen Panera chains in the state and gave over $160,000 to campaigns for Newsom.

“It pains me to think about shutting down stores or laying people off,” Alexander Johnson, who owns 10 Auntie Anne’s and Cinnabon restaurants in California, told the WSJ. “I love California, and I’m very sad about what’s going on.”

Johnson says the wage hike would raise labor costs by around $470,000, which has led him to reduce his staff by about 10 people, the WSJ reported.

The California governor’s office did not immediately respond to a request to comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Close them all. Eat at home. It's better anyway.


Disaster Cat
As I have said dozens of times before, the use of robots and machines for fast food has been planned and dreamed about in the industry for 50 years. I heard some of this in meetings while working in food service during the 1970s.

Back then, the technology just wasn't quite there, and despite an initial fad for them, the revolving tables of premade food in the 1930s were not that popular with the public. They were a niche business that didn't catch on outside some urban areas. Vending machines also had a limited market. They are highly successful in their way, but not enough to replace a fast-food franchise.

But in a meeting around 1978, I heard about the "dream" franchise set up: the One or Two Employee Shop. Almost everything would be done by machines and robots. There would be one (or at most two) human employees per shift who cleaned the tables, maintained the bathrooms, and supplied the machines. Back then, they might have had to run the cash register, too, since cashless payment systems were not yet available (for cheap meals). They wanted "The No Person Shop," but they couldn't see how that would work security-wise, especially in major cities. Today, there are some experiments with "machine only" shops, but mostly in places like Japan where the culture is different.

As predicted, it would happen 50 years ago; once the machine was created and became affordable, the changeover WOULD happen, no matter what. It would be blamed on the need for higher employee wages and benefits, which would be true, but only because the machines (once the technology was sorted) would be cheaper than people to use.

We are 45 to 50 years later, and almost all automatic fast-food franchises are here and spreading. Employee wages and benefits are to blame (as predicted). Sure, it is spreading faster in high-priced markets like California, where a wage increase suddenly makes automation more affordable. Still, it is intended to be used everywhere, even in traditionally low-wage areas like where I worked in Mississippi. Corporate will gradually force the conversion on the franchises. By then, the technology is expected to improve and be cheaper than it is right now.

This was PLANNED, it is not an accident.


Veteran Member
The law specifically targets restaurants with more than 60 locations nationwide. Mom and pops are exempt. They probably think they are sticking it to big corporate and dont care that most ae franchisees.
short sided IMO
the sub$20 workers at mom and pop will migrate to the $20 jobs at other places----if there are any left

I think that you got the "don't care" part right for sure


Dot Collector
This was PLANNED, it is not an accident.
Democrats planned destruction of areas they control...

We Knew This Would Happen.


California $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Increase Causing Mass Layoffs Papa Johns Pizza employee showing paperwork he was just handed and forced to sign.

Everyone will be losing hours and shows Papa Johns will be firing ALL DRIVERS

What a disaster for struggling Americans who need these jobs.
RT 4min


Veteran Member
I get the guy in the above Tik Tok is annoyed that people will lose their jobs but if you increase wages, the money has to come from somewhere. Mostly people paying more for your product. Or you use cheaper materials for your product. Economics really needs to be taught in school.


Dot Collector
Gavin Newsom instituted a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers in California. 3 months later and nearly 10,000 fast food workers have been laid off, chains are closing down locations, and others are declaring bankruptcy.

Great job Gavin!

Just think of what he (Democrats) would do if they had the chance at the national level.



Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
Had a burger at the Oak Brook(IL) Hilton over the weekend. EXCELLENT. And 1/2 price, because my son works there. Probably the best burger I have had in awhile. Oh, and they asked how I wanted it cooked. It came out a perfect medium!

and even at full price $$$ - it was still a deal compared to a so-called Fuddruckers gourmet hamburger dining experience ....